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Bibliography on: covid-19

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2), a virus closely related to the SARS virus. The disease was discovered and named during the 2019-20 coronavirus outbreak. Those affected may develop a fever, dry cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath. A sore throat, runny nose or sneezing is less common. While the majority of cases result in mild symptoms, some can progress to pneumonia and multi-organ failure. The infection is spread from one person to others via respiratory droplets produced from the airways, often during coughing or sneezing. Time from exposure to onset of symptoms is generally between 2 and 14 days, with an average of 5 days. The standard method of diagnosis is by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) from a nasopharyngeal swab or sputum sample, with results within a few hours to 2 days. Antibody assays can also be used, using a blood serum sample, with results within a few days. The infection can also be diagnosed from a combination of symptoms, risk factors and a chest CT scan showing features of pneumonia. Correct handwashing technique, maintaining distance from people who are coughing and not touching one's face with unwashed hands are measures recommended to prevent the disease. It is also recommended to cover one's nose and mouth with a tissue or a bent elbow when coughing. Those who suspect they carry the virus are recommended to wear a surgical face mask and seek medical advice by calling a doctor rather than visiting a clinic in person. Masks are also recommended for those who are taking care of someone with a suspected infection but not for the general public. There is no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment, with management involving treatment of symptoms, supportive care and experimental measures. The case fatality rate is estimated at between 1% and 3%. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the 2019-20 coronavirus outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). As of 29 February 2020, China, Hong Kong, Iran, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and the United States are areas having evidence of community transmission of the disease.

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Citations The Papers (from PubMed®)


RevDate: 2024-04-23

Kassianos G, Cohen JM, Civljak R, et al (2024)

The influenza landscape and vaccination coverage in older adults during the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic: data from Several European Countries and Israel.

Expert review of respiratory medicine [Epub ahead of print].

INTRODUCTION: The Raise Awareness of Influenza Strategies in Europe (RAISE) group gathered information about the healthcare burden of influenza (hospitalizations, intensive care unit [ICU] admissions, and excess deaths), surveillance systems, and the vaccine coverage rate (VCR) in older adults in 18 European countries and Israel.

AREAS COVERED: Published medical literature and official medical documentation on the influenza disease burden in the participating countries were reviewed from 2010/11 until the 2022/23 influenza seasons. Information on the framework for monitoring the disease burden and the provision for ensuring older adults had access to vaccination in their respective countries was provided. Data on influenza VCR in older adults were collected for the 2019/20 to 2022/23 influenza seasons. Data are reported descriptively.

EXPERT OPINION: Influenza presents a significant healthcare burden in older adults. Reporting outcomes across participating countries is heterogeneous, highlighting the need for standardized approaches. Although older adults receive free influenza vaccination, vaccine uptake is highly variable among countries. Moreover, hospitalization rates remain high even in countries reporting a high VCR. Increased awareness and education on the burden of disease and the broader use of improved influenza vaccines for older adults may help reduce the disease burden on this population.

RevDate: 2024-04-23

Jasiczek J, Doroszko A, Trocha T, et al (2024)

Role of the RAAS in mediating the pathophysiology of COVID-19.

Pharmacological reports : PR [Epub ahead of print].

The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) holds a position of paramount importance as enzymatic and endocrine homeostatic regulator concerning the water-electrolyte and acid-base balance. Nevertheless, its intricacy is influenced by the presence of various complementary angiotensins and their specific receptors, thereby modifying the primary RAAS actions. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) acts as a surface receptor for SARS-CoV-2, establishing an essential connection between RAAS and COVID-19 infection. Despite the recurring exploration of the RAAS impact on the trajectory of COVID-19 along with the successful resolution of many inquiries, its complete role in the genesis of delayed consequences encompassing long COVID and cardiovascular thrombotic outcomes during the post-COVID phase as well as post-vaccination, remains not fully comprehended. Particularly noteworthy is the involvement of the RAAS in the molecular mechanisms underpinning procoagulant processes throughout COVID-19. These processes significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of organ complications as well as determine clinical outcomes and are discussed in this manuscript.

RevDate: 2024-04-23

Zhu C, Pang S, Liu J, et al (2024)

Current Progress, Challenges and Prospects in the Development of COVID-19 Vaccines.

Drugs [Epub ahead of print].

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in over 772 million confirmed cases, including nearly 7 million deaths, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Leveraging rapid development, accelerated vaccine approval processes, and large-scale production of various COVID-19 vaccines using different technical platforms, the WHO declared an end to the global health emergency of COVID-19 on May 5, 2023. Current COVID-19 vaccines encompass inactivated, live attenuated, viral vector, protein subunit, nucleic acid (DNA and RNA), and virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines. However, the efficacy of these vaccines is diminishing due to the constant mutation of SARS-CoV-2 and the heightened immune evasion abilities of emerging variants. This review examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the biological characteristics of the virus, and its diverse variants. Moreover, the review underscores the effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages of authorized COVID-19 vaccines. Additionally, it analyzes the challenges, strategies, and future prospects of developing a safe, broad-spectrum vaccine that confers sufficient and sustainable immune protection against new variants of SARS-CoV-2. These discussions not only offer insight for the development of next-generation COVID-19 vaccines but also summarize experiences for combating future emerging viruses.

RevDate: 2024-04-23

Ono R, I Kitagawa (2024)

SARS-CoV-2 infection-induced immune thrombocytopenia: a systematic review of current reports.

Annals of hematology [Epub ahead of print].

Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by a low platelet count with increased risk of bleeding, and viral infection may trigger ITP. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection-induced ITP has been increasingly reported. We systemically reviewed the previously reported cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection-induced ITP and identified a total of 105 patients from 68 studies. The median age was 61 years, and 14 patients (12%) were < 18 years old (pediatric cases). In adult cases, a total of 53% patients were classified as moderate to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. The median platelet count at diagnosis and nadir were 6,000/µL and 4,000/µL, respectively. When comparing platelet levels between non-severe SARS-CoV-2 infection and moderate to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection, the median values of platelet levels at diagnosis were not significantly different between the groups (4,000/µL in non-severe SARS-CoV-2 infection and 9,000/µL in moderate to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection, p-value = 0.22). Median nadir platelet levels were also not significantly different between groups (4,000/µL in non-severe SARS-CoV-2 infection and 8,000/µL in moderate to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection, p-value = 0.27). More than half of the cases (53 patients) were treated with combination therapy including steroid, intravenous immunoglobulin, and eltrombopag. Major bleeding and intracranial hemorrhage occurred in ten (11%) and six (6.6%) cases, respectively. The overall mortality rate was 7%. In pediatric cases, none of the patients experienced major bleeding and lethal outcomes.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-23

Abu Serhan H, Abu Suilik H, Hassan AK, et al (2024)

The characteristics of white dot syndromes following COVID-19 Vaccines: a systematic review.

International ophthalmology, 44(1):189.

PURPOSE: To review all studies reporting the onset of white dot syndromes following COVID-19 vaccines.

METHODS: Our protocol was registered prospectively on PROSPERO [registration number: CRD42023426012]. We searched five different databases including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Science Direct up to May 2023. All the studies that reported the occurrence of white dot syndrome following COVID-19 vaccines were included. All statistical tests were conducted with a 95% confidence interval and a 5% error margin. A p value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The methodological quality of included studies was performed using the IHE Quality Appraisal Checklist for Case Series studies and JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Case Reports.

RESULTS: Fifty studies involving seventy-one subjects were included. Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS) was the most common disease (n = 25, 35.2% %), followed by acute macular neuroretinopathy (AMN) (n = 22, 31.0%) and acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) (n = 4, 5.6%). They were mostly unilateral (n = 50, 70.4%). The presenting symptoms were blurred vision (n = 26, 36.6%), paracentral scotoma (n = 19, 26.8%), visual field disturbance, and photopsia (n = 7, 9.9%). The mean duration for follow-up was 10.15 ± 14.04 weeks. Nineteen subjects (29.69%) received steroids with improvement reported in 68.4%. Eleven subjects (17.19%) were managed by observation only with reported full recovery and improvement.

CONCLUSION: White dot syndromes are very rare entities. Our findings highlight a possible association between COVID-19 vaccines and the occurrence of white dot syndromes. However, larger studies with good quality should be implemented to confirm these findings.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Amani B, B Amani (2024)

Comparison of effectiveness and safety of molnupiravir versus sotrovimab for COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Immunity, inflammation and disease, 12(4):e1262.

BACKGROUND AND AIM: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to compare the effectiveness and safety of molnupiravir and sotrovimab in the treatment of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

METHODS: Cochrane Library, Web of Science, PubMed, medRxiv, and Google Scholar were systematically searched to identify relevant evidence up to December 2023. The risk of bias was assessed using the risk of bias in nonrandomized studies of interventions tool. Data were analyzed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA).

RESULTS: Our search identified and included 13 studies involving 16166 patients. The meta-analysis revealed a significant difference between the molnupiravir and sotrovimab groups in terms of the mortality rate (odds ratio [OR] = 2.07, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.16, 3.70). However, no significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of hospitalization rate (OR = 0.71, 95% CI: 0.47, 1.06), death or hospitalization rate (OR = 1.51, 95% CI: 0.81, 2.83), and intensive care unit admission (OR = 0.59, 95% CI: 0.07, 4.84). In terms of safety, molnupiravir was associated with a higher incidence of adverse events (OR = 1.67, 95% CI: 1.21, 2.30).

CONCLUSION: The current findings indicate that sotrovimab may be more effective than molnupiravir in reducing the mortality rate in COVID-19 patients. However, no statistical difference was observed between the two treatments for other effectiveness outcomes. The certainty of evidence for these findings was rated as low or moderate. Further research is required to provide a better comparison of these interventions in treating COVID-19 patients.

RevDate: 2024-04-23

Gonçalves SM, Pereira I, Feys S, et al (2024)

Integrating genetic and immune factors to uncover pathogenetic mechanisms of viral-associated pulmonary aspergillosis.

mBio [Epub ahead of print].

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is a severe fungal infection primarily affecting immunocompromised patients. Individuals with severe viral infections have recently been identified as vulnerable to developing invasive fungal infections. Both influenza-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (IAPA) and COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) are linked to high mortality rates, emphasizing the urgent need for an improved understanding of disease pathogenesis to unveil new molecular targets with diagnostic and therapeutic potential. The recent establishment of animal models replicating the co-infection context has offered crucial insights into the mechanisms that underlie susceptibility to disease. However, the development and progression of human viral-fungal co-infections exhibit a significant degree of interindividual variability, even among patients with similar clinical conditions. This observation implies a significant role for host genetics, but information regarding the genetic basis for viral-fungal co-infections is currently limited. In this review, we discuss how genetic factors known to affect either antiviral or antifungal immunity could potentially reveal pathogenetic mechanisms that predispose to IAPA or CAPA and influence the overall disease course. These insights are anticipated to foster further research in both pre-clinical models and human patients, aiming to elucidate the complex pathophysiology of viral-associated pulmonary aspergillosis and contributing to the identification of new diagnostic and therapeutic targets to improve the management of these co-infections.

RevDate: 2024-04-23

Viox EG, Bosinger SE, Douek DC, et al (2024)

Harnessing the power of IFN for therapeutic approaches to COVID-19.

Journal of virology [Epub ahead of print].

Interferons (IFNs) are essential for defense against viral infections but also drive recruitment of inflammatory cells to sites of infection, a key feature of severe COVID-19. Here, we explore the complexity of the IFN response in COVID-19, examine the effects of manipulating IFN on SARS-CoV-2 viral replication and pathogenesis, and highlight pre-clinical and clinical studies evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of IFN in limiting COVID-19 severity.

RevDate: 2024-04-25
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Polastri M, Eden A, J Swol (2024)

Rehabilitation for adult patients undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Perfusion, 39(1_suppl):115S-126S.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Current information on the latest rehabilitative practices is limited, with previous reviews only covering data up to October 2021, and some considering only patients on awake ECMO or with COVID-19. This review aims to present a concise overview of the latest findings on rehabilitation and highlight emerging trends for patients undergoing ECMO support.

METHODS: This integrative review was conducted by searching the National Library of Medicine - PubMed database. Two different search strings "extracorporeal membrane oxygenation" AND "rehabilitation" and "extracorporeal membrane oxygenation" AND "physiotherapy" were used to search the published literature. Articles that did not describe rehabilitation techniques, editorials, conference proceedings, letters to editor, reviews and research protocols were excluded. Studies conducted on pediatric populations were also excluded. The search process was completed in December 2023.

RESULTS: Thirteen articles were included in the final analysis. Eight hundred and thirty-nine patients aged between 27 and 63 years were included; 428 were men (51%). In 31% of the included studies, patients had COVID-19; nevertheless, rehabilitative activities did not differ from non-COVID-19 patients. In most studies, rehabilitation commenced within the first 48-96 h and consisted of progressive exercise and out-of-bed activities such as sitting, standing and walking.

CONCLUSION: Current practice focuses on rehabilitative protocols that incorporate exercise routines with progressive intensity, greater emphasis on out-of-bed activities, and a multidisciplinary approach to patient mobilization.

RevDate: 2024-04-25

Sist L, Chiappinotto S, Messina R, et al (2024)

The Reasons for Unfinished Nursing Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrative Review.

Nursing reports (Pavia, Italy), 14(2):753-766.

Background: The concept of unfinished nursing care (UNC) describes nursing interventions required by patients and families that nurses postpone or omit. UNC reasons have been documented; however, no studies have summarised the underlying factors triggering the UNC during the pandemic. Therefore, the aim was to synthesise the available studies exploring factors affecting UNC during a pandemic. Methods: We conducted an integrative review following Whittemore and Knafl's framework according to the Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. PubMed, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and the Scopus databases were searched for primary studies that collected data from 1 January 2020 to 1 May 2023. Both qualitative and quantitative studies assessing the reasons for UNC were eligible and evaluated in their quality using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme and the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Results: Four studies were included-three qualitative and one cross-sectional. The reasons for UNC have been documented at the following levels: (a) system (e.g., new healthcare system priorities); (b) unit (e.g., ineffective work processes); (c) nurse management (e.g., inadequate nurse manager's leadership); (d) nurse (e.g., nurses' attitudes, competences, performances); and (e) patient (increased demand for care). Conclusion: The reasons for UNC during the COVID-19 pandemic are different to those documented in the pre-pandemic times and reflect a pre-existing frailty of the National Health Service towards nursing care.

RevDate: 2024-04-26

Nhau PT, Gamede M, N Sibiya (2024)

COVID-19-Induced Diabetes Mellitus: Comprehensive Cellular and Molecular Mechanistic Insights.

Pathophysiology : the official journal of the International Society for Pathophysiology, 31(2):197-209.

Despite evidence demonstrating the risks of developing diabetes mellitus because of SARS-CoV-2, there is, however, insufficient scientific data available to elucidate the relationship between diabetes mellitus and COVID-19. Research indicates that SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with persistent damage to organ systems due to the systemic inflammatory response. Since COVID-19 is known to induce these conditions, further investigation is necessary to fully understand its long-term effects on human health. Consequently, it is essential to consider the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic when predicting the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the future, especially since the incidence of diabetes mellitus was already on the rise before the pandemic. Additional research is required to fully comprehend the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Therefore, this article delves deeper into the current literature and links the perceived relationship between SARS-CoV-2 and diabetes. In addition, the article highlights the necessity for further research to fully grasp the mechanisms that SARS-CoV-2 utilises to induce new-onset diabetes. Where understanding and consensus are reached, therapeutic interventions to prevent the onset of diabetes could be proposed. Lastly, we propose advocating for the regular screening of diabetes and pre-diabetes, particularly for the high-risk population with a history of COVID-19 infection.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Li Y, Jiang C, Zhu W, et al (2024)

Exploring therapeutic targets for molecular therapy of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Science progress, 107(2):368504241247402.

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic and progressive interstitial lung disease with a poor prognosis. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is characterized by repeated alveolar epithelial damage leading to abnormal repair. The intercellular microenvironment is disturbed, leading to continuous activation of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, deposition of extracellular matrix, and ultimately fibrosis. Moreover, pulmonary fibrosis was also found as a COVID-19 complication. Currently, two drugs, pirfenidone and nintedanib, are approved for clinical therapy worldwide. However, they can merely slow the disease's progression rather than rescue it. These two drugs have other limitations, such as lack of efficacy, adverse effects, and poor pharmacokinetics. Consequently, a growing number of molecular therapies have been actively developed. Treatment options for IPF are becoming increasingly available. This article reviews the research platform, including cell and animal models involved in molecular therapy studies of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as well as the promising therapeutic targets and their development progress during clinical trials. The former includes patient case/control studies, cell models, and animal models. The latter includes transforming growth factor-beta, vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, lysophosphatidic acid, interleukin-13, Rho-associated coiled-coil forming protein kinase family, and Janus kinases/signal transducers and activators of transcription pathway. We mainly focused on the therapeutic targets that have not only entered clinical trials but were publicly published with their clinical outcomes. Moreover, this work provides an outlook on some promising targets for further validation of their possibilities to cure the disease.

RevDate: 2024-04-26

Staub K, Ballouz T, M Puhan (2024)

An Unwanted but Long-Known Company: Post-Viral Symptoms in the Context of Past Pandemics in Switzerland (and Beyond).

Public health reviews, 45:1606966.

Objectives: Some people do not fully recover from an acute viral infection and experience persistent symptoms or incomplete recovery for months or even years. This is not unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and history shows that post-viral conditions like post COVID-19 condition, also referred to as Long Covid, are not new. In particular, during and after pandemics caused by respiratory viruses in which large parts of the population were infected or exposed, professional and public attention was increased, not least because of the large number of people affected. Methods: Given the current relevance of the topic, this article aims to narratively review and summarize the literature on post-viral symptoms during past pandemics and to supplement and illustrate it with Swiss examples from the pandemics of 1890, 1918-1920 and later. Results: Post-viral diseases were an increasingly emphasised health topic during and after past pandemics triggered by respiratory infections over the last 150 years. Conclusion: In the next pandemic, it should not be surprising that post-viral conditions will again play a role, and pandemic plans should reflect this.

RevDate: 2024-04-26

Ghiasi M, Kheirandish Zarandi P, Dayani A, et al (2024)

Potential therapeutic effects and nano-based delivery systems of mesenchymal stem cells and their isolated exosomes to alleviate acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by COVID-19.

Regenerative therapy, 27:319-328.

The severe respiratory effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have necessitated the immediate development of novel treatments. The majority of COVID-19-related fatalities are due to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Consequently, this virus causes massive and aberrant inflammatory conditions, which must be promptly managed. Severe respiratory disorders, notably ARDS and acute lung injury (ALI), may be treated safely and effectively using cell-based treatments, mostly employing mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Since the high potential of these cells was identified, a great deal of research has been conducted on their use in regenerative medicine and complementary medicine. Multiple investigations have demonstrated that MSCs and their products, especially exosomes, inhibit inflammation. Exosomes serve a critical function in intercellular communication by transporting molecular cargo from donor cells to receiver cells. MSCs and their derived exosomes (MSCs/MSC-exosomes) may improve lung permeability, microbial and alveolar fluid clearance, and epithelial and endothelial repair, according to recent studies. This review focuses on COVID-19-related ARDS clinical studies involving MSCs/MSC-exosomes. We also investigated the utilization of Nano-delivery strategies for MSCs/MSC-exosomes and anti-inflammatory agents to enhance COVID-19 treatment.

RevDate: 2024-04-25
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Song G, Li R, MQ Cheng (2024)

Safety, immunogenicity, and protective effective of inhaled COVID-19 vaccines: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Journal of medical virology, 96(4):e29625.

This study aimed to examine the safety, immunogenicity and protective effective of inhaled COVID-19 vaccines (ICVs). Literature research was done through EMBASE, Cochrane, PubMed, and Web of Science up to 10 March 2024. Pooled estimates with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were computed and compared using the random effects and common effects model. Of the 15 studies, 11 analyzed safety, 13 analyzed immunogenicity, and 3 analyzed protective effective. The results showed a favorable safety profile of ICVs for primary vaccination series, however it does not always seem to produce the expected immune response and protective effective. Meta-analysis of ICVs booster vaccinations (BVs) showed that the levels of neutralizing antibody Geometric mean titer (nAb-GMT) with aerosolised Ad5-nCoV (AAd5-nCoV) were all higher than those with inactivated vaccine (INA-nCoV) (standard mean difference (SMD) = 2.32; 95% CI: 1.96-2.69) and intramuscular Ad5-nCoV (IMAd5-nCoV) (SMD = 0.31; 95% CI: 0.14-0.48) against the original strain of SARS-CoV-2. Importantly, we also observed similar results in the omicron variant. In addition, ICV in BVs has high mucosal immunity to IgA antibodies. The risk of adverse events was comparable or lower for AAd5-nCoV compared to INA-nCoV or IMAd5-nCoV. Current evidence shows that the safety profile of ICVs were well. The booster dose of AAd5-nCoV had a high immune response (including mucosal immunity) and provided protection against COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant. Further studies are needed to investigate the long-term safety of intranasal vaccine booster protection and various types of ICVs.

RevDate: 2024-04-22

Leonny S, Bowra J, Davis RA, et al (2024)

Review article: Telehealth in Emergency Medicine in Australasia: Advantages and barriers.

Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA [Epub ahead of print].

The COVID-19 pandemic catapulted Telehealth to the forefront of Emergency Medicine (EM) as an alternative way of assessing and managing patients. This challenged the traditional idea that EM can only be practised within brick-and-mortar EDs. Many Emergency Physicians may find the idea of practising Telehealth in Emergency Medicine (TEM) confronting, particularly in the absence of training and clear practice guidelines. The purpose of the present paper is to describe the current use of TEM in Australasia, and outline the advantages and barriers in adopting this practice domain.

RevDate: 2024-04-22

Wang J, Ho P, Nandurkar H, et al (2024)

Overall haemostatic potential assay for prediction of outcomes in venous and arterial thrombosis and thrombo-inflammatory diseases.

Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis [Epub ahead of print].

Thromboembolic diseases including arterial and venous thrombosis are common causes of morbidity and mortality globally. Thrombosis frequently recurs and can also complicate many inflammatory conditions through the process of 'thrombo-inflammation,' as evidenced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current candidate biomarkers for thrombosis prediction, such as D-dimer, have poor predictive efficacy. This limits our capacity to tailor anticoagulation duration individually and may expose lower risk individuals to undue bleeding risk. Global coagulation assays, such as the Overall Haemostatic Potential (OHP) assay, that investigate fibrin generation and fibrinolysis, may provide a more accurate and functional assessment of hypercoagulability. We present a review of fibrin's critical role as a central modulator of thrombotic risk. The results of our studies demonstrating the OHP assay as a predictive biomarker in venous thromboembolism, chronic renal disease, diabetes mellitus, post-thrombotic syndrome, and COVID-19 are discussed. As a comprehensive and global measurement of fibrin generation and fibrinolytic capacity, the OHP assay may be a valuable addition to future multi-modal predictive tools in thrombosis.

RevDate: 2024-04-22

Ishizumi A, Kolis J, Abad N, et al (2024)

Beyond misinformation: developing a public health prevention framework for managing information ecosystems.

The Lancet. Public health pii:S2468-2667(24)00031-8 [Epub ahead of print].

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how infodemics (defined as an overabundance of information, including misinformation and disinformation) pose a threat to public health and could hinder individuals from making informed health decisions. Although public health authorities and other stakeholders have implemented measures for managing infodemics, existing frameworks for infodemic management have been primarily focused on responding to acute health emergencies rather than integrated in routine service delivery. We review the evidence and propose a framework for infodemic management that encompasses upstream strategies and provides guidance on identifying different interventions, informed by the four levels of prevention in public health: primary, secondary, tertiary, and primordial prevention. On the basis of a narrative review of 54 documents (peer-reviewed and grey literature published from 1961 to 2023), we present examples of interventions that belong to each level of prevention. Adopting this framework requires proactive prevention and response through managing information ecosystems, beyond reacting to misinformation or disinformation.

RevDate: 2024-04-22

Jin SL, Kolis J, Parker J, et al (2024)

Social histories of public health misinformation and infodemics: case studies of four pandemics.

The Lancet. Infectious diseases pii:S1473-3099(24)00105-1 [Epub ahead of print].

Recognition of misinformation as a public health threat and interest in infodemics, defined as an inundation of information accompanying an epidemic or acute health event, have increased worldwide. However, scientists have no consensus on how to best define and identify misinformation and other essential characteristics of infodemics. We conducted a narrative review of secondary historical sources to examine previous infodemics in relation to four infectious diseases associated with pandemics (ie, smallpox, cholera, 1918 influenza, and HIV) and challenge the assumption that misinformation is a new phenomenon associated with increased use of social media or with the COVID-19 pandemic. On the contrary, we found that the spread of health misinformation has always been a public health challenge that has necessitated innovative solutions from medical and public health communities. We suggest expanding beyond the narrow scope of addressing misinformation to manage information ecosystems, defined as how people consume, produce, interact with, and behave around information, which include factors such as trust, stigma, and scientific literacy. Although misinformation can spread on a global scale, this holistic approach advocates for community-level interventions that improve relationships and trust between medical or public health entities and local populations.

RevDate: 2024-04-22

Apoorva , SK Singh (2024)

A tale of endurance: bats, viruses and immune dynamics.

Future microbiology [Epub ahead of print].

The emergence of highly zoonotic viral infections has propelled bat research forward. The viral outbreaks including Hendra virus, Nipah virus, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, Rabies virus, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, SARS-CoV and the latest SARS-CoV-2 have been epidemiologically linked to various bat species. Bats possess unique immunological characteristics that allow them to serve as a potential viral reservoir. Bats are also known to protect themselves against viruses and maintain their immunity. Therefore, there is a need for in-depth understanding into bat-virus biology to unravel the major factors contributing to the coexistence and spread of viruses.

RevDate: 2024-04-22

Fu S, X Song (2024)

The clinical and immunological features of alopecia areata following SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccines.

Expert opinion on therapeutic targets [Epub ahead of print].

INTRODUCTION: Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune disease induced by viral infection or vaccination. With the increased incidence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the incidence of AA has also increased. Recently the incidence was found to be 7.8% from a previously reported rate of 2.1%. The physical and psychological damage caused by AA could seriously affect patients' lives, while AA is a challenging dermatological disease owing to its complex pathogenesis.

AREAS COVERED: This paper presents a comprehensive review of the prevalence, pathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets for AA after infection with SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

EXPERT OPINION: The treatment of AA remains challenging because of the complexity of its pathogenesis. For patients with AA after SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination, the use of sex hormones and alternative regenerative therapies may be actively considered in addition to conventional treatments. For preexisting disease, therapeutic agents should be adjusted to the patient's specific condition.

RevDate: 2024-04-22

Di Donna G, Di Lorenzo P, Aquino CI, et al (2024)

Gender Violence During the Three Ages of Life and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Review.

International journal of social determinants of health and health services [Epub ahead of print].

Children, women, and older people suffer different types of violence, which appears to have been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and the relative lockdown. The aim of this study is to analyze the literature about gender violence and abuse in the different ages of life and during the COVID-19 lockdown. Data were obtained from an electronic literature search using various online sources such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct and Web of Science. The terms "child abuse" were the most frequently used, followed in frequency by "gender violence," "femicide," and, lastly, "elderly abuse." The first studies considered gender-based violence as a purely physical problem, then, progressively, the analysis focused on the psychological point of view of the issue. There was a greater number of studies in 2020 about violence in comparison with previous years. The social and scientific attention to gender-based violence appeared to be very poor, especially in the case of older people abuse. It is necessary to increase general attention to the topic to correctly identify each form of abuse and to be able to take care of the subjects most at risk.

RevDate: 2024-04-25

Demirden SF, Kimiz-Gebologlu I, SS Oncel (2024)

Animal Cell Lines as Expression Platforms in Viral Vaccine Production: A Post Covid-19 Perspective.

ACS omega, 9(15):16904-16926.

Vaccines are considered the most effective tools for preventing diseases. In this sense, with the Covid-19 pandemic, the effects of which continue all over the world, humanity has once again remembered the importance of the vaccine. Also, with the various epidemic outbreaks that occurred previously, the development processes of effective vaccines against these viral pathogens have accelerated. By these efforts, many different new vaccine platforms have been approved for commercial use and have been introduced to the commercial landscape. In addition, innovations have been made in the production processes carried out with conventionally produced vaccine types to create a rapid response to prevent potential epidemics or pandemics. In this situation, various cell lines are being positioned at the center of the production processes of these new generation viral vaccines as expression platforms. Therefore, since the main goal is to produce a fast, safe, and effective vaccine to prevent the disease, in addition to existing expression systems, different cell lines that have not been used in vaccine production until now have been included in commercial production for the first time. In this review, first current viral vaccine types in clinical use today are described. Then, the reason for using cell lines, which are the expression platforms used in the production of these viral vaccines, and the general production processes of cell culture-based viral vaccines are mentioned. Also, selection parameters for animal cell lines as expression platforms in vaccine production are explained by considering bioprocess efficiency and current regulations. Finally, all different cell lines used in cell culture-based viral vaccine production and their properties are summarized, with an emphasis on the current and future status of cell cultures in industrial viral vaccine production.

RevDate: 2024-04-21

Estenssoro E, González I, GA Plotnikow (2024)

Post-pandemic acute respiratory distress syndrome: A New Global Definition with extension to lower-resource regions.

Medicina intensiva pii:S2173-5727(24)00025-0 [Epub ahead of print].

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), first described in 1967, is characterized by acute respiratory failure causing profound hypoxemia, decreased pulmonary compliance, and bilateral CXR infiltrates. After several descriptions, the Berlin definition was adopted in 2012, which established three categories of severity according to hypoxemia (mild, moderate and severe), specified temporal aspects for diagnosis, and incorporated the use of non-invasive ventilation. The COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in ARDS management, focusing on continuous monitoring of oxygenation and on utilization of high-flow oxygen therapy and lung ultrasound. In 2021, a New Global Definition based on the Berlin definition of ARDS was proposed, which included a category for non-intubated patients, considered the use of SpO2, and established no particular requirement for oxygenation support in regions with limited resources. Although debates persist, the continuous evolution seeks to adapt to clinical and epidemiological needs, and to the search of personalized treatments.

RevDate: 2024-04-21

Scott J, Iorfino F, Capon W, et al (2024)

Staging 2·0: refining transdiagnostic clinical staging frameworks to enhance reliability and utility for youth mental health.

The lancet. Psychiatry pii:S2215-0366(24)00060-9 [Epub ahead of print].

Globally, 75% of depressive, bipolar, and psychotic disorders emerge by age 25 years. However, these disorders are often preceded by non-specific symptoms or attenuated clinical syndromes. Difficulties in determining optimal treatment interventions for these emerging mental disorders, and uncertainties about accounting for co-occurring psychopathology and illness trajectories, have led many youth mental health services to adopt transdiagnostic clinical staging frameworks. In this Health Policy paper, an international working group highlights ongoing challenges in applying transdiagnostic staging frameworks in clinical research and practice, and proposes refinements to the transdiagnostic model to enhance its reliability, consistent recording, and clinical utility. We introduce the concept of within-stage heterogeneity and describe the advantages of defining stage in terms of clinical psychopathology and stage modifiers. Using examples from medicine, we discuss the utility of categorising stage modifiers into factors associated with progression (ie, potential predictors of stage transition) and extension (ie, factors associated with the current presentation that add complexity to treatment selection). Lastly, we suggest how it is possible to revise the currently used transdiagnostic staging approach to incorporate these key concepts, and how the revised framework could be applied in clinical and research practice.

RevDate: 2024-04-21

Sakander N, Ahmed A, Bhardwaj M, et al (2024)

A path from synthesis to emergency use authorization of molnupiravir as a COVID-19 therapy.

Bioorganic chemistry, 147:107379 pii:S0045-2068(24)00284-0 [Epub ahead of print].

Coronaviruses are a group of enveloped viruses with non-segmented, single-stranded, and positive-sense RNA genomes. It belongs to the 'Coronaviridae family', responsible for various diseases, including the common cold, SARS, and MERS. The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in March 2020, has affected 209 countries, infected over a million people, and claimed over 50,000 lives. Significant efforts have been made by repurposing several approved drugs including antiviral, to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Molnupiravir is found to be the first orally acting efficacious drug to treat COVID-19 cases. It was approved for medical use in the UK in November 2021 and other countries, including USFDA, which granted approval an emergency use authorization (EUA) for treating adults with mild to moderate COVID-19 patients. Considering the importance of molnupiravir, the present review deals with its various synthetic strategies, pharmacokinetics, bio-efficacy, toxicity, and safety profiles. The comprehensive information along with critical analysis will be very handy for a wide range of audience including medicinal chemists in the arena of antiviral drug discovery especially anti-viral drugs against any variant of COVID-19.

RevDate: 2024-04-20

Meijer SE, Paran Y, Belkin A, et al (2024)

Persistent COVID-19 in Immunocompromised Patients - Israeli Society of Infectious Diseases Consensus Statement on Diagnosis and Management.

Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases pii:S1198-743X(24)00204-0 [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND: Immunocompromised patients with impaired humoral immunity are at risk for persistent COVID-19 (pCOVID), a protracted symptomatic disease with active viral replication.

OBJECTIVES: To establish a national consensus statement on the diagnosis, treatment, management, isolation, and prevention of pCOVID in adults.

SOURCES: We base our suggestions on the available literature, our own experience and clinical reasoning.

CONTENT: Literature on the treatment of pCOVID is scarce and consists of few case-reports and case series. The available studies provide low-quality evidence for monoclonal antibodies, convalescent plasma, anti-viral drugs, and immunomodulators. Different combination therapies are described. Continuous viral replication and anti-viral treatment may lead to the development of mutations that confer resistance to therapy.

IMPLICATIONS: To reduce the risk of resistance and improve outcomes, we suggest treating pCOVID with a combination of antibody-based therapy and two anti-viral drugs for a duration of five to ten days. Immunomodulatory therapy can be added in patients with an inflammatory clinical picture. In case of treatment failure or relapse, prolonged anti-viral treatment can be considered. For the prevention of pCOVID we suggest active and passive vaccination, as well as early initiation of treatment for acute COVID-19. Additional research on pCOVID treatment is urgently needed.

RevDate: 2024-04-20

Jeremiah SS, Moin ASM, AE Butler (2024)

Virus-induced diabetes mellitus, revisiting infection etiology in light of SARS-CoV-2.

Metabolism: clinical and experimental pii:S0026-0495(24)00143-4 [Epub ahead of print].

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is comprised of two predominant subtypes: type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), accounting for approximately 5 % of cases worldwide and resulting from autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing β-cells, and type 2 (T2DM), accounting for approximately 95 % of cases globally and characterized by the inability of pancreatic β-cells to meet the demand for insulin due to a relative β-cell deficit in the setting of peripheral insulin resistance. Both types of DM involve derangement of glucose metabolism and are metabolic diseases generally considered to be initiated by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Viruses have been reported to play a role as infectious etiological factors in the initiation of both types of DM in predisposed individuals. Among the reported viral infections causing DM in humans, the most studied include coxsackie B virus, cytomegalovirus and hepatitis C virus. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the diabetogenic potential of SARS-CoV-2, rekindling interest in the field of virus-induced diabetes (VID). This review discusses the reported mechanisms of viral-induced DM, addressing emerging concepts in VID, as well as highlighting areas where knowledge is lacking, and further investigation is warranted.

RevDate: 2024-04-20

Wu PC, Lin WC, Wang CW, et al (2024)

Cutaneous adverse reactions associated with COVID-19 vaccines: Current evidence and potential immune mechanisms.

Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) pii:S1521-6616(24)00111-6 [Epub ahead of print].

As the number of vaccinated individuals has increased, there have been increasing reports of cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions. The main COVID-19 vaccines administered include messenger ribonucleic acid vaccines, non-replicating viral vector vaccines, inactivated whole-virus vaccines, and protein-based vaccines. These vaccines contain active components such as polyethylene glycol, polysorbate 80, aluminum, tromethamine, and disodium edetate dihydrate. Recent advances in understanding the coordination of inflammatory responses by specific subsets of lymphocytes have led to a new classification based on immune response patterns. We categorize these responses into four patterns: T helper (Th)1-, Th2-, Th17/22-, and Treg-polarized cutaneous inflammation after stimulation of COVID-19 vaccines. Although the association between COVID-19 vaccination and these cutaneous adverse reactions remains controversial, the occurrence of rare dermatoses and their short intervals suggest a possible relationship. Despite the potential adverse reactions, the administration of COVID-19 vaccines is crucial in the ongoing battle against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

RevDate: 2024-04-20

Contreras A, Sánchez SA, Rodríguez-Medina C, et al (2024)

The role and impact of viruses on cancer development.

Periodontology 2000 [Epub ahead of print].

This review focuses on three major aspects of oncoviruses' role in cancer development. To begin, we discuss their geographic distribution, revealing that seven oncoviruses cause 20% of all human cancers worldwide. Second, we investigate the primary carcinogenic mechanisms, looking at how these oncogenic viruses can induce cellular transformation, angiogenesis, and local and systemic inflammation. Finally, we investigate the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 infection reactivating latent oncoviruses, which could increase the risk of further disease. The development of oncovirus vaccines holds great promise for reducing cancer burden. Many unanswered questions about the host and environmental cofactors that contribute to cancer development and prevention remain, which ongoing research is attempting to address.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Yehia A, OA Abulseoud (2024)

Melatonin: a ferroptosis inhibitor with potential therapeutic efficacy for the post-COVID-19 trajectory of accelerated brain aging and neurodegeneration.

Molecular neurodegeneration, 19(1):36.

The unprecedented pandemic of COVID-19 swept millions of lives in a short period, yet its menace continues among its survivors in the form of post-COVID syndrome. An exponentially growing number of COVID-19 survivors suffer from cognitive impairment, with compelling evidence of a trajectory of accelerated aging and neurodegeneration. The novel and enigmatic nature of this yet-to-unfold pathology demands extensive research seeking answers for both the molecular underpinnings and potential therapeutic targets. Ferroptosis, an iron-dependent cell death, is a strongly proposed underlying mechanism in post-COVID-19 aging and neurodegeneration discourse. COVID-19 incites neuroinflammation, iron dysregulation, reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation, antioxidant system repression, renin-angiotensin system (RAS) disruption, and clock gene alteration. These events pave the way for ferroptosis, which shows its signature in COVID-19, premature aging, and neurodegenerative disorders. In the search for a treatment, melatonin shines as a promising ferroptosis inhibitor with its repeatedly reported safety and tolerability. According to various studies, melatonin has proven efficacy in attenuating the severity of certain COVID-19 manifestations, validating its reputation as an anti-viral compound. Melatonin has well-documented anti-aging properties and combating neurodegenerative-related pathologies. Melatonin can block the leading events of ferroptosis since it is an efficient anti-inflammatory, iron chelator, antioxidant, angiotensin II antagonist, and clock gene regulator. Therefore, we propose ferroptosis as the culprit behind the post-COVID-19 trajectory of aging and neurodegeneration and melatonin, a well-fitting ferroptosis inhibitor, as a potential treatment.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Elshiwy K, Amin GEE, Farres MN, et al (2024)

The role of colchicine in the management of COVID-19: a Meta-analysis.

BMC pulmonary medicine, 24(1):190.

BACKGROUND: The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has robustly affected the global healthcare and economic systems and it was caused by coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The clinical presentation of the disease ranges from a flu-like illness to severe pneumonia and death. Till September 2022, the cumulative number of cases exceeded 600 million worldwide and deaths were more than 6 million. Colchicine is an alkaloid drug that is used in many autoinflammatory conditions e.g., gout, familial Mediterranean fever, and Behçet's syndrome. Colchicine inhibits the production of superoxide and the release of interleukins that stimulate the inflammatory cascade. Colchicine decreases the differentiation of myofibroblast and the release of fibrotic mediators including transforming growth factor (TGF-β1) that are related to the fibrosis. Moreover, colchicine has been used to traet viral myocarditis caused by CMV or EBV, interstitial pneumonia, and pericarditis resulting from influenza B infection. Additionally, colchicine is considered safe and affordable with wide availability.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to assess the evidence of colchicine effectiveness in COVID-19 treatment.

METHODS: A comprehensive review of the literature was done till May 2022 and yielded 814 articles after ranking the articles according to authors and year of publication. Only 8 clinical trials and cohort studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria were included for further steps of data collection, analysis, and reporting.

RESULTS: This meta-analysis involved 16,488 patients; 8146 patients in the treatment group and 8342 patients in the control group. The results showed that colchicine resulted in a significant reduction in the mortality rate among patients received colchicine in comparison with placebo or standard care (RR 0.35, 95%CI: 0.15-0.79). Colchicine resulted in a significant decrease in the need for O2 therapy in patients with COVID-19 (RR 0.07, 95%CI 0.02-0.27, P = 0.000024). However, colchicine had no significant effect on the following outcomes among COVID-19 patients: the need for hospitalization, ICU admission, artificial ventilation, and hospital discharge rate. Among the PCR confirmed COVID-19 patients, colchicine decreased the hospitalization rate (RR 0.75, 95%CI 0.57-0.99, P = 0.042). However, colchicine had no effect on mortality and the need for mechanical ventilation among this subgroup.

CONCLUSION: Colchicine caused a significant clinical improvement among COVID-19 patients as compared with the standard care or placebo, in terms of the need for O2, and mortality. This beneficial effect could play a role in the management of COVID-19 especially severe cases to decrease need for oxygen and to decrease mortality among these patients.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Das UN (2024)

Can essential fatty acids (EFAs) prevent and ameliorate post-COVID-19 long haul manifestations?.

Lipids in health and disease, 23(1):112.

It is hypothesized that COVID-19, post-COVID and post-mRNA COVID-19 (and other related) vaccine manifestations including "long haul syndrome" are due to deficiency of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and dysregulation of their metabolism. This proposal is based on the observation that EFAs and their metabolites can modulate the swift immunostimulatory response of SARS-CoV-2 and similar enveloped viruses, suppress inappropriate cytokine release, possess cytoprotective action, modulate serotonin and bradykinin production and other neurotransmitters, inhibit NF-kB activation, regulate cGAS-STING pathway, modulate gut microbiota, inhibit platelet activation, regulate macrophage and leukocyte function, enhance wound healing and facilitate tissue regeneration and restore homeostasis. This implies that administration of EFAs could be of benefit in the prevention and management of COVID-19 and its associated complications.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-26

Strickland B, N Stuart Harris (2024)

Adapting nitric oxide: A review of its foundation, uses in austere medical conditions, and emerging applications.

Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry, 146:58-63.

Nitric oxide was first identified as a novel and effective treatment for persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN), and has since been found to be efficacious in treating acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and pulmonary hypertension. Physicians and researchers have also found it shows promise in resource-constrained settings, both within and outside of the hospital, such as in high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and COVID-19. The treatment has been well tolerated in these settings, and is both efficacious and versatile when studied across a variety of clinical environments. Advancements in inhaled nitric oxide continue, and the gas is worthy of investigation as physicians contend with new respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, as well as unforeseen logistical challenges.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Toni E, H Ayatollahi (2024)

An insight into the use of telemedicine technology for cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic: a scoping review.

BMC medical informatics and decision making, 24(1):104.

BACKGROUND: The use of telemedicine technology has significantly increased in recent years, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aimed to investigate the use of telemedicine technology for cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic.

METHODS: This was a scoping review conducted in 2023. Various databases including PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Ovid, IEEE Xplore, ProQuest, Embase, and Google Scholar search engine were searched. All quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method studies published in English between 2020 and 2022 were included. Finally, the needed data were extracted, and the results were synthesized and reported narratively.

RESULTS: A total of 29 articles were included in this review. The results showed that teleconsultation, televisit, and telerehabilitation were common telemedicine services, and video conferencing and telephone were common technologies used in these studies. In most cases, patients and healthcare providers preferred these services compared to the face-to-face consultations due to their convenience and advantages. Furthermore, the findings revealed that in terms of clinical outcomes, telemedicine could effectively reduce anxiety, pain, sleep disorders, and hospital admission rates.

CONCLUSION: The findings provided valuable insights into the various telemedicine technologies, services, users' perspectives, and clinical outcomes in cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic. Overall, the positive outcomes and users' satisfaction showed that the use of telemedicine technology can be expanded, particularly in cancer care. Future research needs to investigate both clinical and non-clinical effectiveness of using various telemedicine services and technologies for improving cancer care delivery, which can help to develop more successful strategies for implementing this technology.

RevDate: 2024-04-22
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Wills CP, Perez B, J Moore (2024)

Coronavirus Disease 2019: Past, Present, and Future.

Emergency medicine clinics of North America, 42(2):415-442.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is one of the most impactful diseases experienced in the past century. While the official national health emergency concluded in May of 2023, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to mutate. As the summer of 2023, all countries were experiencing a new surge of cases from the EG.5 Omicron variant. Additionally, a new genetically distinct Omicron descendant BA2.86 had been detected in multiple countries including the United States. This article seeks to offer lessons learned from the pandemic, summarize best evidence for current management of patients with COVID-19, and give insights into future directions with this disease.

RevDate: 2024-04-19

Ujike M, T Suzuki (2024)

Progress of research on coronaviruses and toroviruses in large domestic animals using reverse genetics systems.

Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997) pii:S1090-0233(24)00061-3 [Epub ahead of print].

The generation of genetically engineered recombinant viruses from modified DNA/RNA is commonly referred to as reverse genetics, which allows the introduction of desired mutations into the viral genome. Reverse genetics systems (RGSs) are powerful tools for studying fundamental viral processes, mechanisms of infection, pathogenesis and vaccine development. However, establishing RGS for coronaviruses (CoVs) and toroviruses (ToVs), which have the largest genomes among vertebrate RNA viruses, is laborious and hampered by technical constraints. Hence, little research has focused on animal CoVs using RGSs, especially in large domestic animals such as pigs and cattle. In the last decade, however, studies of porcine CoVs and bovine ToVs using RGSs have been reported. In addition, the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic has prompted the development of new and simple CoV RGSs, which will accelerate RGS-based research on animal CoVs and ToVs. In this review, we summarise the general characteristics of CoVs and ToVs, the RGSs available for CoVs and the progress made in the last decade in RGS-based research on porcine CoVs and bovine ToVs.

RevDate: 2024-04-22
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Iketani S, DD Ho (2024)

SARS-CoV-2 resistance to monoclonal antibodies and small-molecule drugs.

Cell chemical biology, 31(4):632-657.

Over four years have passed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The scientific response has been rapid and effective, with many therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and small molecules developed for clinical use. However, given the ability for viruses to become resistant to antivirals, it is perhaps no surprise that the field has identified resistance to nearly all of these compounds. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of the resistance profile for each of these therapeutics. We hope that this resource provides an atlas for mutations to be aware of for each agent, particularly as a springboard for considerations for the next generation of antivirals. Finally, we discuss the outlook and thoughts for moving forward in how we continue to manage this, and the next, pandemic.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Bai Y, K Ning (2024)

How does severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) achieve immune evasion?: A narrative review.

Medicine, 103(16):e37780.

COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, (SARS-CoV-2) is a highly contagious disease known for its significant lung damage. Although the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our daily lives has been limited, the virus has not vanished entirely and continues to undergo mutations. This calls for a concentrated focus on the matter of SARS-CoV-2 immune evasion. Drawing on observations of immune escape mechanisms in other viruses, some scholars have proposed that liquid-liquid phase separation might play a crucial role in SARS-CoV-2's ability to evade the immune system. Within the structure of SARS-CoV-2, the nucleocapsid protein plays a pivotal role in RNA replication and transcription. Concurrently, this protein can engage in phase separation with RNA. A thorough examination of the phase separation related to the nucleocapsid protein may unveil the mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 accomplishes immune evasion. Moreover, this analysis may provide valuable insights for future development of innovative antiviral drugs or vaccines.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Shu H, Li Q, Zhang X, et al (2024)

Fatal arrhythmia associated with novel coronavirus 2019 infection: Case report and literature review.

Medicine, 103(16):e37894.

RATIONALE: The novel coronavirus of 2019 (COVID-19) has inflicted significant harm on the cardiovascular system. Patients presenting with fatal chronic arrhythmias after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection are rare, arrhythmia caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection need to be taken seriously.

PATIENT CONCERNS: Three female patients were admitted to the hospital with syncopal symptoms. Previously, they had been identified to have COVID-19 infection and none of the patients had a preexisting history of arrhythmia, and upon hospital admission, no electrolyte imbalances associated with arrhythmias were observed. However, following SARS-CoV-2 infection, patients exhibit varying degrees of syncope symptoms.

DIAGNOSES: A high-degree atrioventricular block was diagnosed after a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's clinical manifestations and electrocardiogram (ECG) performance.

INTERVENTIONS: We performed ECG monitoring of the patient and excluded other causes of arrhythmia. The patient was discharged from the hospital after permanent pacemaker implantation and symptomatic treatment.

OUTCOMES: The outpatient follow-ups did not reveal a recurrence of syncope or complications related to the pacemaker in any of the three patients.

LESSONS: Some patients did not exhibit any obvious respiratory symptoms or signs following SARS-CoV-2 infection. This suggests that the cardiac conduction system may be the preferred target for some SARS-CoV-2 variants. Therefore, in addition to investigating the causes of malignant arrhythmias, special attention should be paid to SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with developing arrhythmias. Additionally, permanent pacemaker implantation may be the most suitable option for patients who already have malignant arrhythmias.

RevDate: 2024-04-19

Ahmed HS, Ahmed HS, HN Abud (2024)

The role of vitamin D against COVID-19 infection, progression and severity.

Human antibodies pii:HAB240009 [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND: The number of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) positive patients and fatalities keeps rising. It is important to recognize risk factors for severe outcomes. Evidence linking vitamin D deficiency and the severity of COVID-19 is tangential but substantial - relating to race, obesity, and institutionalization.

OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine the function of vitamin D and nutritional defense against infections such as COVID-19, which is the goal of this research.

METHODS: This study includes observational cohort, cross-sectional, and case-control studies that estimated variances in serum levels of vitamin D among patients with mild or severe forms of COVID-19, and in patients who died or were discharged from hospitals. Studies that assessed the risk of developing severe disorder or death in patients with vitamin D deficiency, defined as levels of vitamin D< 20 ng/mL, were also encompassed.

RESULTS: In a retrospective study on 464,383 individuals, results showed that individuals who had the highest risks for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection, and for COVID-19 severity when infected, had vitamin D levels < 30 nmol/L; Odds Ratio (OR) were 1.246 [95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.210-1.304] and 1.513 [95%CI: 1.230-1.861], respectively. Additionally, in a retrospective observational study of 191,779 individuals in the USA. The SARS-CoV-2 positivity rate was greater in the 39,190 subjects with vitamin D < 20 ng/mL [12.5%, 95% C.I. 12.2-12.8%] than in the 27,870 subjects with sufficient serum vitamin D levels [8.1%, 95% C.I. 7.8-8.4%] and in the 12,321 subjects with serum vitamin D ⩾ 55 ng/mL [5.9%, 95% C.I. 5.5-6.4%].

CONCLUSION: People hospitalized for COVID-19 should be checked for vitamin D status and supplemented, and high-dose-in testing should be considered in the recovery trial. More importantly, screening for malnutrition and the administration of the best nutritional supplements are essential for the immune system of the human body to function as it should be. Thus, nutritional supplementation is crucial for people with risk factors as well as older adults with compromised immune systems.

RevDate: 2024-04-25

Sayed AA, El-Gendy AA, Aljohani AK, et al (2024)

The Effects of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents: A Review.

Cureus, 16(3):e56473.

The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has profoundly affected global health and well-being. As part of the Coronaviridae family, SARS-CoV-2 joins a diverse group of viruses found in both humans and various animal species, including bats, camels, and cats. The pandemic has led to widespread social isolation, reduced physical activity, and significant lifestyle changes, posing potential risks to individuals' mental and emotional health. This review aims to explore the implications of COVID-19 on the mental health of children and adolescents, given the limited attention this population has received in the medical literature. Multiple research studies in several countries have found that the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with greater stress levels, depression, anxiety, insomnia, drug misuse, and other mental health challenges among young individuals. Understanding the long-term effects of the pandemic on mental health is crucial for developing effective interventions and support systems to promote resilience and well-being in children and adolescents. Even after the pandemic ends, it is crucial to prioritize understanding the long-term impacts of the pandemic on mental health, integrating findings into public health strategies, addressing mental healthcare disparities, and fostering resilience in children and adolescents. Achieving these objectives requires collaborative efforts across various sectors to ensure equitable access to mental health resources and the implementation of sustainable solutions for the well-being of young people in the aftermath of the pandemic.

RevDate: 2024-04-25

Zhao J, Xia F, Jiao X, et al (2024)

Long COVID and its association with neurodegenerative diseases: pathogenesis, neuroimaging, and treatment.

Frontiers in neurology, 15:1367974.

Corona Virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), has presented unprecedented challenges to the world. Changes after acute COVID-19 have had a significant impact on patients with neurodegenerative diseases. This study aims to explore the mechanism of neurodegenerative diseases by examining the main pathways of central nervous system infection of SARS-CoV-2. Research has indicated that chronic inflammation and abnormal immune response are the primary factors leading to neuronal damage and long-term consequences of COVID-19. In some COVID-19 patients, the concurrent inflammatory response leads to increased release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which may significantly impact the prognosis. Molecular imaging can accurately assess the severity of neurodegenerative diseases in patients with COVID-19 after the acute phase. Furthermore, the use of FDG-PET is advocated to quantify the relationship between neuroinflammation and psychiatric and cognitive symptoms in patients who have recovered from COVID-19. Future development should focus on aggressive post-infection control of inflammation and the development of targeted therapies that target ACE2 receptors, ERK1/2, and Ca[2+].

RevDate: 2024-04-22
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Shang WF, DC Chen (2024)

[Prone positioning ventilation therapy in acute respiratory distress syndrome: knowns and unknowns in clinical efficacy].

Zhonghua yi xue za zhi, 104(15):1236-1241.

Prone positioning ventilation (PPV) is considered one of the essential therapeutic approaches in the management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Several randomized controlled clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of PPV in the treatment of patients with ARDS. However, it is not clear whether PPV treatment can reduce mortality in patients with veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO)-supported ARDS and corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-associated ARDS. This review aims to discuss the known and unknown aspects of the mechanism of PPV for ARDS, the clinical efficacy of PPV for ARDS, VV-ECMO-supported ARDS, and COVID-19-related ARDS.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

da Silva Oliveira W, Teixeira CRV, Mantovani HC, et al (2024)

Nisin variants: what makes them different and unique?.

Peptides pii:S0196-9781(24)00073-1 [Epub ahead of print].

Nisin A is a lantibiotic bacteriocin typically produced by strains of Lactococcus lactis. This bacteriocin has been approved as a natural food preservative since the late 1980s and shows antimicrobial activity against a range of food-borne spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. The therapeutic potential of nisin A has also been explored increasingly both in human and veterinary medicine. Nisin has been shown to be effective in treating bovine mastitis, dental caries, cancer, and skin infections. Recently, it was demonstrated that nisin has an affinity for the same receptor used by SARS-CoV-2 to enter human cells and was proposed as a blocker of the viral infection. Several nisin variants produced by distinct bacterial strains or modified by bioengineering have been described since the discovery of nisin A. These variants present modifications in the peptide structure, biosynthesis, mode of action, and spectrum of activity. Given the importance of nisin for industrial and therapeutic applications, the objective of this study was to describe the characteristics of the nisin variants, highlighting the main differences between these molecules and their potential applications. This review will be useful to researchers interested in studying the specifics of nisin A and its variants.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Xiao YQ, Long J, Zhang SS, et al (2024)

Non-peptidic inhibitors targeting SARS-CoV-2 main protease: A review.

Bioorganic chemistry, 147:107380 pii:S0045-2068(24)00285-2 [Epub ahead of print].

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a threat to global health, and sounds the alarm for research & development of effective anti-coronavirus drugs, which are crucial for the patients and urgently needed for the current epidemic and future crisis. The main protease (M[pro]) stands as an essential enzyme in the maturation process of SARS-CoV-2, playing an irreplaceable role in regulating viral RNA replication and transcription. It has emerged as an ideal target for developing antiviral agents against SARS-CoV-2 due to its high conservation and the absence of homologous proteases in the human body. Among the SARS-CoV-2 M[pro] inhibitors, non-peptidic compounds hold promising prospects owing to their excellent antiviral activity and improved metabolic stability. In this review, we offer an overview of research progress concerning non-peptidic SARS-CoV-2 M[pro] inhibitors since 2020. The efforts delved into molecular structures, structure-activity relationships (SARs), biological activity, and binding modes of these inhibitors with M[pro]. This review aims to provide valuable clues and insights for the development of anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents as well as broad-spectrum coronavirus M[pro] inhibitors.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-22

Arnold L, Bimczok S, Clemens T, et al (2024)

Implementing evidence ecosystems in the public health service: Development of a framework for designing tailored training programs.

PloS one, 19(4):e0292192.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of local evidence ecosystems in which academia and practice in the Public Health Service (PHS) are interconnected. However, appropriate organizational structures and well-trained staff are lacking and evidence use in local public health decision-making has to be integrated into training programs in Germany. To address this issue, we developed a framework incorporating a toolbox to conceptualize training programs designed to qualify public health professionals for working at the interface between academia and practice. We conducted a scoping review of training programs, key-informant interviews with public health experts, and a multi-professional stakeholder workshop and triangulated their output. The resulting toolbox consists of four core elements, encompassing 15 parameters: (1) content-related aspects, (2) context-related aspects, (3) aspects relevant for determining the training format, and (4) aspects relevant for consolidation and further development. Guiding questions with examples supports the application of the toolbox. Additionally, we introduced a how-to-use guidance to streamline the creation of new training programs, fostering knowledge transfer at the academia-practice interface, equipping public health researchers and practitioners with relevant skills for needs-based PHS research. By promoting collaborative training development across institutions, our approach encourages cross-institutional cooperation, enhances evidence utilization, and enables efficient resource allocation. This collaborative effort in developing training programs within local evidence ecosystems not only strengthens the scientific and practical impact but also lays a foundation for implementing complex public health measures effectively at the local level.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-26

Satapathy P, Kumar P, Gupta JK, et al (2024)

The emergence and implications of SARS-CoV-2 omicron subvariant BA.2.86 on global health.

International journal of surgery (London, England), 110(4):2498-2501.

The SARS-CoV-2 subvariant BA.2.86 'Pirola', first identified in Denmark in August 2023, has manifested with a significantly mutated spike protein profile, suggesting a heightened ability to evade vaccine-induced and infection-induced antibodies. This article outlines the epidemiological spread, immune response implications, and global responses to BA.2.86. Preliminary observations indicate community transmissions of the subvariant, even among those previously infected or vaccinated. Notably, the BA.2.86 infection has shown a potential to amplify antibody responses. The variant's emergence has evoked memories of the Omicron variant's rise in late 2021, though global immunity levels might modulate the impact of BA.2.86 impact differently. Continuous genomic surveillance, coupled with integrated diagnostic and epidemiological strategies, proves crucial in early detection and management. The emergence of BA.2.86 reaffirms the unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the need for ongoing research, adaptability, and global collaboration.

RevDate: 2024-04-26
CmpDate: 2024-04-26

Fehross A, Pahlman K, DS Silva (2024)

Ethics and Health Security in the Australian COVID-19 Context: A Critical Interpretive Literature Review.

Journal of bioethical inquiry, 21(1):131-150.

Background The concept of "health security" is often used to motivate public health responses, yet the ethical values that underpin this concept remain largely unexamined. The recent Australian responses to COVID-19 serve as an important case study by which we can analyse the pre-existing literature to see what ethical values shaped, and continue to shape, Australia's response. Methods We conducted a critical interpretive literature review of academic and grey literatures within key databases, resulting in 2,220 sources. After screening for duplicates and relevance, we analysed ninety-six sources. Results First, risk and uncertainty are a leading focus, with a heavy concentration on risks to life and health. Second, free movement, safety, and security were recurringly emphasized, albeit narrowly focused upon the safety of the population. Third, legitimacy was a recurring theme, and it is here that discussions of "health security" figured highly. Conclusion Discussions of harm from government and associated official bodies fail to adequately distinguish between various senses of harm. Moreover, while the literature often discusses the balancing of rights, the steps involved in the weighing of these rights is rarely adequately explained and defended. We suggest that decision-makers should endeavour to clearly identify and defend the values undergirding their decisions in the public sphere.

RevDate: 2024-04-25

Azadeh SS, Esmaeeli Djavid G, Nobari S, et al (2023)

Light-Based Therapy: Novel Approach to Treat COVID-19.

Tanaffos, 22(3):279-289.

The pandemic outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) which is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2), is a new viral infection in all countries around the world. An increase in inflammatory cytokines, fever, dry cough, and pneumonia are the main symptoms of COVID-19. A shared of growing clinical evidence confirmed that cytokine storm correlates with COVID-19 severity which is also a crucial cause of death from COVID-19. The success of anti-inflammatory therapies in the recovery process of COVID-19 patients has been well established. Over the years, phototherapy (PhT) has been identified as a promising non-invasive treatment approach for inflammatory conditions. New evidence suggests that PhT as an anti-inflammatory therapy may be effective in treating acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and COVID-19. This review aims to a comprehensive overview of the direct and indirect effects of anti-inflammatory mechanisms of PhT in ARDS and COVID-19 patients.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Das S, Ghosh A, Karmakar V, et al (2024)

Cannabis effectiveness on immunologic potency of pulmonary contagion.

Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology [Epub ahead of print].

Respiratory illnesses and its repercussions are becoming more prevalent worldwide. It is necessary to research both innovative treatment and preventative techniques. Millions of confirmed cases and fatalities from the COVID-19 epidemic occurred over the previous two years. According to the review research, cannabinoids are a class of medicines that should be considered for the treatment of respiratory conditions. Cannabinoids and inhibitors of endocannabinoid degradation have illustrated advantageous anti-inflammatory, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary artery hypotension in numerous studies (in vitro and in vivo). It has been also noted that CB2 receptors on macrophages and T-helper cells may be particularly triggered to lower inflammation in COVID-19 patients. Since the majority of lung tissue contains cannabinoid receptors, cannabis can be an effective medical tool for treating COVID-19 as well as pulmonary infections. Notably, CB2 and CB1 receptors play a major role in immune system modulation and anti-inflammatory activities. In this review, we put forth the idea that cannabis might be helpful in treating pulmonary contagion brought on by viral integration, such as that caused by SARS-CoV-2, haemophilus influenza type b, Streptococcus pneumoniae, influenza virus, and respiratory syncytial virus. Also, a detailed overview of CB receptors, intricate mechanisms, is highlighted connecting link with COVID-19 viral structural modifications along with molecular basis of CB receptors in diminishing viral load in pulmonary disorders supported through evident literature studies. Further, futuristic evaluations on cannabis potency through novel formulation development focusing on in vivo/in vitro systems can produce promising results.

RevDate: 2024-04-19

ÅžimÅŸek-Yavuz S (2023)

COVID-19: An Update on Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment, September-2023.

Infectious diseases & clinical microbiology, 5(3):165-187.

After a downward trend for more than 12 months, the incidence of COVID-19 has increased in the last months. Although COVID-19 is not as frequent as in the first years of the pandemic, case numbers are still very high, and it causes a significant number of deaths. COVID-19 is not seen with a predictable frequency, at least two times more deadly than the flu, continues as an epidemic, and has not reached the endemic level yet. Currently, the Omicron strains EG.5 and XBB.1.16 are dominant worldwide. Although BA.2.86 and FLip variants, including FL.1.5.1 are not widespread at the moment, both were shown to be highly immune-evasive and require close monitoring. Prevention of COVID-19 relies on vaccinations, surveillance, proper ventilation of enclosed spaces, isolation of patients, and mask usage. Currently, monovalent COVID-19 vaccines, including XBB.1.5 Omicron SARS-CoV-2, are recommended for both primary and booster vaccinations against COVID-19. Monovalent vaccines, including only original SARS-CoV-2 strain, and bivalent vaccines, including original virus plus BA4/5 variant, are no longer recommended against COVID-19. Booster vaccination with XBB.1.5 containing vaccine should be prioritized for patients at high risk for severe COVID-19. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination does not seem to be effective in preventing COVID-19. At the current phase of the pandemic, nirmatrelvir/ritonavir, remdesivir, molnupiravir, sotrovimab (for patients from XBB.1.5 variant dominant settings), and convalescent plasma can be considered for the treatment of high-risk early-stage outpatients with COVID-19, while hospitalized patients with more severe disease can be treated with dexamethasone, anti cytokines including tocilizumab, sarilumab, baricitinib, and tofacitinib and antithrombotic agents including enoxaparin. Remdesivir oral analogues and ensitrelvir fumarate are promising agents for treating acute COVID-19, which are in phase trials now; however, ivermectin, fluvoxamine, and metformin were shown to be ineffective.

RevDate: 2024-04-19

Zheng Z, Sun H, Hu X, et al (2024)

Prevention and treatment strategies for kidney transplant recipients in the context of long-term existence of COVID-19.

Frontiers in medicine, 11:1287836.

The sudden outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in early 2020 posed a massive threat to human life and caused an economic upheaval worldwide. Kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) became susceptible to infection during the COVID-19 pandemic owing to their use of immunosuppressants, resulting in increased hospitalization and mortality rates. Although the current epidemic situation is alleviated, the long-term existence of COVID-19 still seriously threatens the life and health of KTRs with low immunity. The Omicron variant, a highly infectious but less-pathogenic strain of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has raised concerns among transplant physicians regarding managing KTRs diagnosed with this variant. However, currently, there are no clear and unified guidelines for caring for KTRs infected with this variant. Therefore, we aimed to summarize the ongoing research on drugs that can treat Omicron variant infections in KTRs and explore the potential of adjusting immunotherapy strategies to enhance their responsiveness to vaccines. Herein, we discuss the situation of KTRs since the emergence of COVID-19 and focus on various prevention and treatment strategies for KTRs since the Omicron variant outbreak. We hope to assist physicians in managing KTRs in the presence of long-term COVID-19 variants.

RevDate: 2024-04-19
CmpDate: 2024-04-19

Torres JP, Basso L, Saure D, et al (2024)

Transdisciplinary research before, during and after COVID-19 vaccination in Chile: a virtuoso collaboration with future perspectives.

Frontiers in public health, 12:1354645.

The COVID-19 pandemic presented numerous challenges that required immediate attention to mitigate its devastating consequences on a local and global scale. In March 2020, the Chilean government, along with health and science authorities, implemented a strategy aimed at generating relevant evidence to inform effective public health decisions. One of the key strengths of this strategy was the active involvement of the scientific community, employing transdisciplinary approaches to address critical questions and support political decision-making. The strategy promoted collaborations between the government, public and private institutions, and transdisciplinary academic groups throughout each phase of the pandemic. By focusing on pressing problems and questions, this approach formed the foundation of this report which reflects the collaborative effort throughout the pandemic of individuals from the Instituto de Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI), the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, government authorities and industry. Early in the pandemic, it became crucial to gather evidence on how to minimize the impact of infection and disease while awaiting the availability of vaccines. This included studying the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children, assessing the impact of quarantines on people's mobility, implementing strategies for widespread SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, and exploring pool testing for large populations. The urgent need to reduce disease severity and transmission posed a significant challenge, as it was essential to prevent overwhelming healthcare systems. Studies were conducted to predict ICU bed requirements at the local level using mathematical models. Additionally, novel approaches, such as using cellphone mobility-based technology to actively identify infected individuals, and to optimize population sampling, were explored following the first wave of the pandemic. Chile took early action in addressing vaccination through a high-level scientific board, before vaccines became available. Studies conducted during this period included population-based immunologic evaluations of different vaccines, which helped build confidence in the population and supported the need for booster doses and potential vaccination of children. These studies and collaborations, which will be discussed here, have provided valuable insights and will inform future approaches in a post-pandemic world. Importantly, highly conservative estimates indicate that 3,000 lives and more than 300 million USD were saved by this academic-public-private collaborative effort.

RevDate: 2024-04-22

Holmes EC (2024)

The Emergence and Evolution of SARS-CoV-2.

Annual review of virology [Epub ahead of print].

The origin of SARS-CoV-2 has evoked heated debate and strong accusations, yet seemingly little resolution. I review the scientific evidence on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and its subsequent spread through the human population. The available data clearly point to a natural zoonotic emergence within, or closely linked to, the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. There is no direct evidence linking the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 to laboratory work conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The subsequent global spread of SARS-CoV-2 was characterized by a gradual adaptation to humans, with dual increases in transmissibility and virulence until the emergence of the Omicron variant. Of note has been the frequent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to other animals, marking it as a strongly host generalist virus. Unless lessons from the origin of SARS-CoV-2 are learned, it is inevitable that more zoonotic events leading to more epidemics and pandemics will plague human populations.

RevDate: 2024-04-21
CmpDate: 2024-04-19

Gonzalez-Jaramillo N, Abbühl D, Roa-Díaz ZM, et al (2024)

COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in the general population and under-resourced communities from high-income countries: realist review.

BMJ open, 14(4):e084560.

OBJECTIVE: To compare vaccination willingness before rollout and 1 year post-rollout uptake among the general population and under-resourced communities in high-income countries.

DESIGN: A realist review.

DATA SOURCES: Embase, PubMed, Dimensions ai and Google Scholar.

SETTING: High-income countries.

DEFINITIONS: We defined vaccination willingness as the proportion of participants willing or intending to receive vaccines prior to availability. We defined vaccine uptake as the real proportion of the population with complete vaccination as reported by each country until November 2021.

RESULTS: We included data from 62 studies and 18 high-income countries. For studies conducted among general populations, the proportion of vaccination willingness was 67% (95% CI 62% to 72%). In real-world settings, the overall proportion of vaccine uptake among those countries was 73% (95% CI 69% to 76%). 17 studies reported pre-rollout willingness for under-resourced communities. The summary proportion of vaccination willingness from studies reporting results among people from under-resourced communities was 52% (95% CI 0.46% to 0.57%). Real-world evidence about vaccine uptake after rollout among under-resourced communities was limited.

CONCLUSION: Our review emphasises the importance of realist reviews for assessing vaccine acceptance. Limited real-world evidence about vaccine uptake among under-resourced communities in high-income countries is a call to context-specific actions and reporting.

RevDate: 2024-04-17

Kane AS, Godfrey M, Noval Rivas M, et al (2024)

The Spectrum of Postacute Sequelae of COVID-19 in Children: From MIS-C to Long COVID.

Annual review of virology [Epub ahead of print].

The effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on children continue to evolve following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although life-threatening multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) has become rare, long-standing symptoms stemming from persistent immune activation beyond the resolution of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection contribute to major health sequelae and continue to pose an economic burden. Shared pathophysiologic mechanisms place MIS-C and long COVID within a vast spectrum of postinfectious conditions characterized by intestinal dysbiosis, increased gut permeability, and varying degrees of immune dysregulation. Insights obtained from MIS-C will help shape our understanding of the more indolent and prevalent postacute sequelae of COVID and ultimately guide efforts to improve diagnosis and management of postinfectious complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children.

RevDate: 2024-04-19
CmpDate: 2024-04-19

Bharmal M, DiGrande K, Patel A, et al (2024)

Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on Cardiac Arrest and Emergency Care.

Cardiology clinics, 42(2):307-316.

The incidence of both out-of-hospital and in-hospital cardiac arrest increased during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Patient survival and neurologic outcome after both out-of-hospital and in-hospital cardiac arrest were reduced. Direct effects of the COVID-19 illness combined with indirect effects of the pandemic on patient's behavior and health care systems contributed to these changes. Understanding the potential factors offers the opportunity to improve future response and save lives.

RevDate: 2024-04-17

Rove JY, Cain MT, Hoffman JR, et al (2024)

Noteworthy in Cardiothoracic Surgery 2023.

Seminars in cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia [Epub ahead of print].

Noteworthy in Cardiothoracic Surgery 2023 summarizes a few of the most high-impact trials and provocative trends in cardiothoracic surgery and transplantation this past year. Transplantation using organs procured from donation after circulatory death (DCD) continues to increase, and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons released recommendations on best practices in 2023. We review a summary of data on the impact of DCD on heart and lung transplantation. There has been increased interest in extracorporeal life support (ECLS), particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic, and we review the results of the highly discussed ECLS-SHOCK trial, which randomized patients in cardiogenic shock with planned revascularization to ECLS vs usual care. With improving survival outcomes in complex aortic surgery, there is a need for higher-quality evidence to guide which cooling and cerebral perfusion strategies may optimize cognitive outcomes in these patients. We review the short-term outcomes of the GOT ICE trial (Cognitive Effects of Body Temperature During Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest), a multicenter, randomized controlled trial of three different nadir temperatures, evaluating outcomes in cognition and associated changes in functional magnetic resonance imaging. Finally, both the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) and the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, American College of Chest Physicians and Heart Rhythm Society (ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS) updated atrial fibrillation guidelines in 2023, and we review surgically relevant updates to the guidelines and the evidence behind them.

RevDate: 2024-04-18
CmpDate: 2024-04-18

Rohilla A, S Rohilla (2024)

Drug Repositioning: A Monetary Stratagem to Discover a New Application of Drugs.

Current drug discovery technologies, 21(1):e101023222023.

Drug repurposing, also referred to as drug repositioning or drug reprofiling, is a scientific approach to the detection of any new application for an already approved or investigational drug. It is a useful policy for the invention and development of new pharmacological or therapeutic applications of different drugs. The strategy has been known to offer numerous advantages over developing a completely novel drug for certain problems. Drug repurposing has numerous methodologies that can be categorized as target-oriented, drug-oriented, and problem-oriented. The choice of the methodology of drug repurposing relies on the accessible information about the drug molecule and like pharmacokinetic, pharmacological, physicochemical, and toxicological profile of the drug. In addition, molecular docking studies and other computer-aided methods have been known to show application in drug repurposing. The variation in dosage for original target diseases and novel diseases presents a challenge for researchers of drug repurposing in present times. The present review critically discusses the drugs repurposed for cancer, covid-19, Alzheimer's, and other diseases, strategies, and challenges of drug repurposing. Moreover, regulatory perspectives related to different countries like the United States (US), Europe, and India have been delineated in the present review.

RevDate: 2024-04-25
CmpDate: 2024-04-25

Vasylaki A, Ghosh P, Jaimes EA, et al (2024)

Targeting the Kidneys at the Nanoscale: Nanotechnology in Nephrology.

Kidney360, 5(4):618-630.

Kidney diseases, both acute and chronic, are a substantial burden on individual and public health, and they continue to increase in frequency. Despite this and an intense focus on the study of disease mechanisms, few new therapeutic approaches have extended to the clinic. This is in part due to poor pharmacology of many, if not most, therapeutics with respect to the sites of kidney disease within the glomerulus or nephron. Considering this, within the past decade, and more pointedly over the past 2 years, there have been substantial developments in nanoparticle systems to deliver therapeutics to the sites of kidney disease. Here, we provide a broad overview of the various classes of nanomaterials that have been developed to improve therapeutic development for kidney diseases, the strategy used to provide kidney accumulation, and briefly the disease models they focused on, if any. We then focus on one specific system, polymeric mesoscale nanoparticles, which has broadly been used over 13 publications, demonstrating targeting of the tubular epithelium with 26-fold specificity compared with other organs. While there have been several nanomedicines that have advanced to the clinic in the past several decades, including mRNA-based coronavirus disease vaccines and others, none have focused on kidney diseases specifically. In total, we are confident that the rapid advancement of nanoscale-based kidney targeting and a concerted focus by clinicians, scientists, engineers, and other stakeholders will push one or more of these technologies into clinical trials over the next decade.

RevDate: 2024-04-25
CmpDate: 2024-04-25

McCarthy MW (2024)

Simnotrelvir as a potential treatment for COVID-19.

Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy, 25(3):233-237.

INTRODUCTION: Simnotrelvir is a selective 3-chymotrypsin-like oral protease inhibitor with activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

AREAS COVERED: On 18 January 2024, results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of simnotrelvir as a treatment for mild-to moderate COVID-19-were published, indicating the drug, when given in combination with ritonavir, shortened the time to resolution of symptoms.

EXPERT OPINION: Treatment options for most outpatients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 are limited. The protease inhibitor nirmatrelvir in combination with ritonavir has proven effective in patients who are high risk for progression to severe COVID-19, but there are no approved therapies for standard-risk patients, who now comprise the majority of the population. Simnotrelvir appears to be effective in standard-risk patients, including those who have completed primary vaccination against COVID-19 and have received a booster dose. This manuscript examines the rationale for the development of simnotrelvir and explores how this drug may be used in the future to treat COVID-19.

RevDate: 2024-04-25
CmpDate: 2024-04-25

Kashyap H, Manoharan A, Mahendradas P, et al (2024)

A COVID-19 perspective of multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS).

Indian journal of ophthalmology, 72(5):620-625.

Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS) is a rare form of posterior uveitis characterized by involvement in the posterior pole and mid-periphery. A viral etiology that provokes an immune-mediated response has been hypothesized to be the inciting factor of the pathology. Recently, there has been an increase in the literature regarding new-onset uveitis and reactivation of previously diagnosed cases of uveitis following COVID-19 vaccinations. The COVID-19 vaccination has been speculated to trigger an immunomodulatory shift in recipients, resulting in an autoimmune event. MEWDS following COVID-19 vaccination was reported in 31 patients. It was most commonly observed following the first dose, affecting 15 patients, and least commonly after the booster dose, in only one patient. MEWDS-like disease following anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations was reported the most in 16 cases after the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination (BNT162b2 mRNA). Most of these cases had Primary MEWDS without any previous history of a similar event in the past.

RevDate: 2024-04-25
CmpDate: 2024-04-25

Mackintosh L, Ormandy P, Busby A, et al (2024)

Impact of COVID-19 on patient experience of kidney care: a rapid review.

Journal of nephrology, 37(2):365-378.

INTRODUCTION: In March 2020, a pandemic state was declared due to SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19). Patients with kidney disease, especially those on replacement therapies, proved more susceptible to severe infection. This rapid literature review aims to help understand how the pandemic impacted patient experience of kidney care.

METHODS: It was conducted in accordance with Cochrane Rapid Review interim guidance. Search terms, 'coronavirus', 'kidney care', and 'patient-reported experience' and terms with similar semantic meaning, identified 1,117 articles in Medline, Scopus, and Worldwide Science. Seventeen were included in the narrative synthesis.

RESULTS: The findings were summarised into three themes: remote consultation and telemedicine (n = 9); psychosocial impact (n = 2); and patient satisfaction and patient-reported experience (n = 6). Patients were mostly satisfied with remote consultations, describing them as convenient and allowing avoidance of hospital visits. Anxieties included missing potentially important clinical findings due to lack of physical examination, poor digital literacy, and technical difficulties. Psychosocial impact differed between treatment modalities-transplant recipients expressing feelings of instability and dread of having to return to dialysis, and generally, were less satisfied, citing reduced ability to work and difficulty accessing medications. Those on home dialysis treatments tended to feel safer. Findings focused on aspects of patient experience of kidney care during the pandemic rather than a holistic view.

CONCLUSIONS: There was little direct evaluation of modality differences and limited consideration of health inequalities in care experiences. A fuller understanding of these issues would guide policy agendas to support patient experience during future public health crises.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Ehianeta T, Mzee SAS, Adebisi MK, et al (2021)

Recent SARS-CoV-2 Outlook and Implications in a COVID-19 Vaccination Era.

Infectious microbes & diseases, 3(3):125-133.

While repurposed drugs came in handy earlier in the wake of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, vaccination has been considered a more sustainable approach. The recent spikes have been linked to "double," "triple," and even multi-mutant variants, thus renewing calls for deeper structural and functional insights of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) as a lead to rationale design of therapeutics, vaccines, and point-of-care diagnostics. There is a repertoire of findings from the earliest SARS-CoV-2 molecular mimicry to evade host immunity cum host immune responses to the role of the viral glycocalyx in modulating the susceptibility and severity of infection through attraction and repulsive interactions. Recently, molecular studies of some viral components that aid infection in the face of vaccination seem unending. In addition, the wave of infections and the attendant case fatality ratios have necessitated the need for emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines and in vitro diagnostics. This review provides key updates of SARS-CoV-2, current antigenic and formulation strategies, with emergency use authorizations considerations for future vaccine candidates and diagnostics. We also premise that despite the difficulty in modeling and analyzing glycans, understanding and exploiting their roles in the SARS-CoV-2 architecture is fundamental to glycan-based COVID-19 vaccines devoid of inconsistent clinical outcomes.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Ran HL, Zhou XT, Liu WJ, et al (2021)

Keep Eyes on COVID-19: Ophthalmic Symptoms and Potential Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through the Oculus.

Infectious diseases & immunity, 1(2):103-107.

In December 2019, a new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged and rapidly spread globally, posing a worldwide health emergency. The pathogen causing this pandemic was identified as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is well known that SARS-CoV-2 transmits via respiratory droplets and close contact with infected individuals or contaminated items. In addition to these two major transmission routes, other modes of transmission have not been confirmed. Considering that some COVID-19 patients have presented with ocular discomforts and positive SARS-CoV-2 RNA in ocular surfaces, as well as the discovery of the SARS-CoV-2 receptors, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, and transmembrane protease, serine 2, in the oculus, the ocular surface is now thought to be a possible alternative route of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and a replication site. This review summarizes the evidence connecting COVID-19 with ocular tissues, ocular symptoms during SARS-CoV-2 infection, the potential role of the conjunctiva in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, and the physiopathological mechanisms. Appropriate precautions in ophthalmology departments, including innovative complete and effective patient management plans, protective personal equipment, hand hygiene, and strict personal distance intervals, are essential to effectively minimize the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and control the pandemic.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Jiang HD, Li JX, Zhang P, et al (2021)

The COVID-19 Vaccine in Clinical Trials: Where Are We Now?.

Infectious diseases & immunity, 1(1):43-51.

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to scale up around the world, costing severe health and economic losses. The development of an effective COVID-19 vaccine is of utmost importance. Most vaccine designs can be classified into three camps: protein based (inactivated vaccines, protein subunit, VLP and T-cell based vaccines), gene based (DNA or RNA vaccines, replicating or non-replicating viral/bacterial vectored vaccines), and a combination of both protein-based and gene-based (live-attenuated virus vaccines). Up to now, 237 candidate vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 are in development worldwide, of which 63 have been approved for clinical trials and 27 are evaluated in phase 3 clinical trials. Six candidate vaccines have been authorized for emergency use or conditional licensed, based on their efficacy data in phase 3 trials. This review summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate COVID-19 vaccines from various platforms, compares, and discusses their protective efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity according to the published clinical trials results.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Shi M, Zhang C, FS Wang (2021)

The Progress and Challenges of Convalescent Plasma Therapy for Coronavirus Disease 2019.

Infectious diseases & immunity, 1(1):52-58.

Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and SARS-CoV-2 infection (causing coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID-19]) are serious diseases. To date, no effective post-exposure prophylaxis, prevention, or therapeutic agents are recommended as effective for these diseases. Convalescent plasma (CP), donated by individuals with established humoral immunity to the virus after recovering from coronavirus infection, has been successfully applied to treat several infectious diseases, including SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Nonetheless, there are obstacles and challenges to using CP that should be taken into account. In this review, we summarize the evidence derived from clinical attempts to treat COVID-19 with CP, which represents a promising therapy for severe coronavirus infection. Furthermore, we outline the remaining challenges and general issues that should be considered when using CP treatment for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Zheng X, L Li (2020)

Potential Therapeutic Options for COVID-19.

Infectious microbes & diseases, 2(3):89-95.

The recently emerged coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly evolved into a pandemic with over 10 million infections and over 500 thousand deaths. There are currently no effective therapies or vaccines available to protect against this coronavirus infection. In this review, we discuss potential therapeutic options for COVID-19 based on the available information from previous research on severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Substantial efforts are underway to discover new therapeutic agents for COVID-19, including the repurposing of existing agents and the development of novel agents that specifically target SARS-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or host factors. Through the screening of compound libraries, various classes of drugs, such as ribavirin, remdesivir, lopinavir/ritonavir, and hydroxychloroquine have been identified as potential therapeutic candidates against COVID-19. Novel antiviral drugs for SARS-coronavirus 2 are being developed to target viral enzymes or functional proteins, as well as host factors or cell signaling pathways.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Masuka JT (2024)

An Exploratory Bibliometric Analysis of African Pharmacovigilance Research Output Using SCOPUS.

Cureus, 16(3):e56295.

Most global pharmacovigilance (PV) data is derived from developed countries. However, the determinants of the differences in PV research output between developing and developed countries contributing to this discrepancy still need to be explored. The objective of the current study is to describe the publication trends and characteristics of pharmacovigilance-related research stemming out of Africa in comparison to that emanating from developed countries. A bibliometric analysis was carried out using the SCOPUS literature index for published global pharmacovigilance-related articles or documents pre-COVID-19. Data on annual publication trends, citations, author affiliations, and other study characteristics such as study funding were extracted and descriptively analyzed. Author co-citation and keyword co-occurrence analyses were also conducted and presented using VOSviewer software program version 1.6.15 (CWTS, Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands). During the period under review, a total of 27,516 documents were retrieved globally. Out of these, 588 (2.1 %), 9,438 (34.3 %), and 17,829 (64.8 %) were from Africa, Europe, and the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) founder member countries respectively. Annual publications have steadily increased, but at a slower rate in Africa compared to Europe. The mean annual publications and number of citations are significantly lower in Africa compared to Europe, p < 0.0001 for both parameters. The top 10 funders of African PV activities are European and American organizations. In conclusion, improved PV activity driven by international funders has been notable on the African continent. However, there is an increased need for local funding, government involvement, and legislation to improve PV activities on the African continent.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Saeed S, Singhal M, Kaur KN, et al (2024)

Acceptability and Satisfaction of Patients and Providers With Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review.

Cureus, 16(3):e56308.

COVID-19, also known as coronavirus disease 2019, is an extremely contagious viral sickness caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). After the first cases of this primarily respiratory viral illness were recorded in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in late December 2019, SARS-CoV-2 rapidly disseminated across the globe. Consequently, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a global pandemic. The rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, coupled with subsequent lockdowns and social distancing measures, profoundly disrupted traditional healthcare delivery systems. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine emerged as a pivotal solution for delivering healthcare services while minimizing exposure to the virus. This study aims to assess patient and provider satisfaction with telemedicine during this unprecedented period. A systematic literature search was conducted on PubMed and Google Scholar using specific MeSH terms and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Literature Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines to summarize patient and provider satisfaction concerning telemedicine using all the facts, evidence, and published literature. The analysis showed that although providers were generally satisfied with telemedicine, they were less satisfied than patients due to technical issues and difficulties transmitting documents. Patients reported high satisfaction with telemedicine, citing convenience and cost savings as major benefits. However, a lack of provider compensation was identified as a potential barrier to adoption. Most providers believed that telemedicine was only necessary in emergencies while a few recognized its potential for routine care. The study concludes that telemedicine has the potential to improve healthcare access and efficiency, but more research is needed to address technical and reimbursement issues and to determine the appropriate scope of telemedicine use. Overall, the findings of this study can inform future healthcare policies and regulations to ensure that telemedicine is used effectively and to the satisfaction of both patients and providers.

RevDate: 2024-04-22
CmpDate: 2024-04-18

Amegashie EA, Asamoah P, Ativi LEA, et al (2024)

Clinical outcomes and immunological response to SARS-CoV-2 infection among people living with HIV.

Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.), 249:10059.

People living with HIV (PLWH) usually suffer from co-infections and co-morbidities including respiratory tract infections. SARS-CoV-2 has been reported to cause respiratory infections. There are uncertainties in the disease severity and immunological response among PLWH who are co-infected with COVID-19. This review outlines the current knowledge on the clinical outcomes and immunological response to SARS-CoV-2 among PLWH. Literature was searched in Google scholar, Scopus, PubMed, and Science Direct conforming with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines from studies published from January 2020 to June 2023. A total of 81 studies from 25 countries were identified, and RT-PCR was used in confirming COVID-19 in 80 of the studies. Fifty-seven studies assessed risk factors and clinical outcomes in HIV patients co-infected with COVID-19. Thirty-nine of the studies indicated the following factors being associated with severe outcomes in HIV/SARS-CoV-2: older age, the male sex, African American race, smoking, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, low CD4[+] count, high viral load, tuberculosis, high levels of inflammatory markers, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, interruption, and delayed initiation of ART. The severe outcomes are patients' hospitalization, admission at intensive care unit, mechanical ventilation, and death. Twenty (20) studies, however, reported no difference in clinical presentation among co-infected compared to mono-infected individuals. Immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection was investigated in 25 studies, with some of the studies reporting high levels of inflammatory markers, T cell exhaustion and lower positive conversion rate of IgG in PLWH. There is scanty information on the cytokines that predisposes to severity among HIV/SARS-CoV-2 co-infected individuals on combined ART. More research work should be carried out to validate co-infection-related cytokines and/or immune markers to SARS-CoV-2 among PLWH.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Keshtgar Z, Chalabianloo G, N Esmaeili (2023)

Probable Neuropsychological and Cognitive Complications Due to Cytokine Storm in Patients With COVID-19.

Basic and clinical neuroscience, 14(5):549-564.

INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) was first identified in China in December 2019 and is rapidly spreading worldwide as a pandemic. Since COVID-19 causes mild to severe acute respiratory syndrome, most studies in this context have focused on pathogenesis primarily in the respiratory system. However, evidence shows that the central nervous system (CNS) may also be affected by COVID-19. Since COVID-19 is spreading, it is necessary to study its possible cognitive effects on COVID-19 patients and their recovery.

METHODS: The articles used in this study were searched by keywords, such as cytokine storm and COVID-19, COVID-19 and executive dysfunction, cognitive disorder, and COVID-19, central nervous system (CNS) and COVID-19, coronavirus, neuroinvasion in Science Direct, Scopus, PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science databases based on preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) checklist. The study evaluates all observational studies published between December 2019 and April 2021 in peer-reviewed journals, including cross-sectional, cohort, case-control studies, case reports, and case series. The search result was 106 articles, of which 73 articles related to COVID-19, the stages of infection by this virus, its effect on the nervous system and neurological symptoms, the cytokine storm caused by this infection, and the possible cognitive consequences caused by this virus in patients, has been reviewed. Other articles were not checked due to their limited relevance to the topic under discussion.

RESULTS: Studies showed that neurons may be directly affected by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-1 and SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, various studies indicated that systemic inflammation (so-called "cytokine storm") is also responsible for brain damage induced by infection with SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2. In such a way that these patients showed elevated levels of interleukin (IL-), 6, 8, and 10 and of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in their blood.

CONCLUSION: Various cognitive defects have been observed following an increased level of cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL)-6, 8. Therefore, due to the increased level of these pro-inflammatory factors in the brains of these patients, cognitive deficits can be expected, which need further investigation.

RevDate: 2024-04-18
CmpDate: 2024-04-18

Motomura K, Morita H, Naruse K, et al (2024)

Implication of viruses in the etiology of preeclampsia.

American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989), 91(4):e13844.

Preeclampsia is one of the most common disorders that poses threat to both mothers and neonates and a major contributor to perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Viral infection during pregnancy is not typically considered to cause preeclampsia; however, syndromic nature of preeclampsia etiology and the immunomodulatory effects of viral infections suggest that microbes could trigger a subset of preeclampsia. Notably, SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia. Herein, we review the potential role of viral infections in this great obstetrical syndrome. According to in vitro and in vivo experimental studies, viral infections can cause preeclampsia by introducing poor placentation, syncytiotrophoblast stress, and/or maternal systemic inflammation, which are all known to play a critical role in the development of preeclampsia. Moreover, clinical and experimental investigations have suggested a link between several viruses and the onset of preeclampsia via multiple pathways. However, the results of experimental and clinical research are not always consistent. Therefore, future studies should investigate the causal link between viral infections and preeclampsia to elucidate the mechanism behind this relationship and the etiology of preeclampsia itself.

RevDate: 2024-04-16

Schmiege D, Haselhoff T, Thomas A, et al (2024)

Small-scale wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) for infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance: A scoping review.

International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 259:114379 pii:S1438-4639(24)00060-9 [Epub ahead of print].

Wastewater analysis can serve as a source of public health information. In recent years, wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) has emerged and proven useful for the detection of infectious diseases. However, insights from the wastewater treatment plant do not allow for the small-scale differentiation within the sewer system that is needed to analyze the target population under study in more detail. Small-scale WBE offers several advantages, but there has been no systematic overview of its application. The aim of this scoping review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge on small-scale WBE for infectious diseases, including methodological considerations for its application. A systematic database search was conducted, considering only peer-reviewed articles. Data analyses included quantitative summary and qualitative narrative synthesis. Of 2130 articles, we included 278, most of which were published since 2020. The studies analyzed wastewater at the building level (n = 203), especially healthcare (n = 110) and educational facilities (n = 80), and at the neighborhood scale (n = 86). The main analytical parameters were viruses (n = 178), notably SARS-CoV-2 (n = 161), and antibiotic resistance (ABR) biomarkers (n = 99), often analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), with DNA sequencing techniques being less common. In terms of sampling techniques, active sampling dominated. The frequent lack of detailed information on the specification of selection criteria and the characterization of the small-scale sampling sites was identified as a concern. In conclusion, based on the large number of studies, we identified several methodological considerations and overarching strategic aspects for small-scale WBE. An enabling environment for small-scale WBE requires inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge sharing across countries. Promoting the adoption of small-scale WBE will benefit from a common international conceptualization of the approach, including standardized and internationally accepted terminology. In particular, the development of good WBE practices for different aspects of small-scale WBE is warranted. This includes the establishment of guidelines for a comprehensive characterization of the local sewer system and its sub-sewersheds, and transparent reporting to ensure comparability of small-scale WBE results.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Inchingolo F, Inchingolo AM, Piras F, et al (2024)

The interaction between gut microbiome and bone health.

Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity, 31(3):122-130.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review critically examines interconnected health domains like gut microbiome, bone health, interleukins, chronic periodontitis, and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), offering insights into fundamental mechanisms and clinical implications, contributing significantly to healthcare and biomedical research.

RECENT FINDINGS: This review explores the relationship between gut microbiome and bone health, a growing area of study. It provides insights into skeletal integrity and potential therapeutic avenues. The review also examines interleukins, chronic periodontitis, and COVID-19, highlighting the complexity of viral susceptibility and immune responses. It highlights the importance of understanding genetic predispositions and immune dynamics in the context of disease outcomes. The review emphasizes experimental evidence and therapeutic strategies, aligning with evidence-based medicine and personalized interventions. This approach offers actionable insights for healthcare practitioners and researchers, paving the way for targeted therapeutic approaches and improved patient outcomes.

SUMMARY: The implications of these findings for clinical practice and research underscore the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare that considers the complex interactions between genetics, immune responses, oral health, and systemic diseases. By leveraging advances in biomedical research, clinicians can optimize patient care and improve health outcomes across diverse patient populations.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Jia L, Navare S, M Hoyler (2024)

Lingering effects of COVID-19 in the care of perioperative patients.

Current opinion in anaesthesiology, 37(3):308-315.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), can lead to organ dysfunction and clinical symptoms beyond the acute infection phase. These effects may have significant implications for the management of perioperative patients. The purpose of this article is to provide a systems-based approach to the subacute and chronic effects of SARS-CoV-2 that are most relevant to anesthesiology practice.

RECENT FINDINGS: In 2024, COVID-19 remains a concern for anesthesiologists due ongoing new infections, evolving viral strains, and relatively low rates of booster vaccination in the general population. A growing body of literature describes the post-COVID-19 syndrome in which patients experience symptoms more than 12 weeks after acute infection. Recent literature describes the lingering effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on all major organ systems, including neurologic, pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal, hematologic, and musculoskeletal, and suggests an increased perioperative mortality risk in some populations.

SUMMARY: This review offers anesthesiologists an organ system-based approach to patients with a history of COVID-19. Recognizing the long-term sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection can help anesthesiologists to better evaluate perioperative risk, anticipate clinical challenges, and thereby optimize patient care.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Patel J, Snyder K, AK Brooks (2024)

Perioperative pain optimization in the age of the opioid epidemic.

Current opinion in anaesthesiology, 37(3):279-284.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The opioid epidemic remains a constant and increasing threat to our society with overdoses and overdose deaths rising significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Growing evidence suggests a link between perioperative opioid use, postoperative opioid prescribing, and the development of opioid use disorder (OUD). As a result, strategies to better optimize pain management during the perioperative period are urgently needed. The purpose of this review is to summarize the most recent multimodal analgesia (MMA) recommendations, summarize evidence for efficacy surrounding the increased utilization of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols, and discuss the implications for rising use of buprenorphine for OUD patients who present for surgery. In addition, this review will explore opportunities to expand our treatment of complex patients via transitional pain services.

RECENT FINDINGS: There is ample evidence to support the benefits of MMA. However, optimal drug combinations remain understudied, presenting a target area for future research. ERAS protocols provide a more systematic and targeted approach for implementing MMA. ERAS protocols also allow for a more comprehensive approach to perioperative pain management by necessitating the involvement of surgical specialists. Increasingly, OUD patients taking buprenorphine are presenting for surgery. Recent guidance from a multisociety OUD working group recommends that buprenorphine not be routinely discontinued or tapered perioperatively. Lastly, there is emerging evidence to justify the use of transitional pain services for more comprehensive treatment of complex patients, like those with chronic pain, preoperative opioid tolerance, or substance use disorder.

SUMMARY: Perioperative physicians must be aware of the impact of the opioid epidemic and explore methods like MMA techniques, ERAS protocols, and transitional pain services to improve the perioperative pain experience and decrease the risks of opioid-related harm.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-18

Cuomo A, Barillà G, Cattolico M, et al (2024)

Perspectives on the impact of vortioxetine on the treatment armamentarium of major depressive disorder.

Expert review of neurotherapeutics, 24(5):465-476.

INTRODUCTION: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mental health issue that significantly affects patients' quality of life and functioning. Despite available treatments, many patients continue to suffer due to incomplete symptom resolution and side effects.

AREAS COVERED: This manuscript examines Vortioxetine's role in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) treatment, highlighting its potential to reshape therapeutic strategies due to its unique Multimodal action and proven broad-spectrum efficacy in multiple depressive domains. A detailed examination of Vortioxetine's pharmacological aspects, including indications, dosage, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics, is provided, emphasizing its safety and effectiveness. The discussion extends to Vortioxetine's role in acute-phase treatment and maintenance of MDD and its profound impact on specialized depression domains.

EXPERT OPINION: Vortioxetine is distinguished for its novel multimodal serotonin modulation mechanism, showcasing significant promise as an innovative treatment for MDD. Its efficacy, which is dose-dependent, along with a commendable tolerability profile, positions it as a potential leading option for initial treatment strategies. The discourse on dosage titration, particularly the strategy of initiating treatment at lower doses followed by gradual escalation, underscores the approach toward minimizing initial adverse effects while optimizing therapeutic outcomes, aligning with the principles of personalized medicine in psychiatric care.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Marinus T, Foster TL, KM Tych (2024)

The application of single-molecule optical tweezers to study disease-related structural dynamics in RNA.

Biochemical Society transactions, 52(2):899-909.

RNA, a dynamic and flexible molecule with intricate three-dimensional structures, has myriad functions in disease development. Traditional methods, such as X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance, face limitations in capturing real-time, single-molecule dynamics crucial for understanding RNA function. This review explores the transformative potential of single-molecule force spectroscopy using optical tweezers, showcasing its capability to directly probe time-dependent structural rearrangements of individual RNA molecules. Optical tweezers offer versatility in exploring diverse conditions, with the potential to provide insights into how environmental changes, ligands and RNA-binding proteins impact RNA behaviour. By enabling real-time observations of large-scale structural dynamics, optical tweezers emerge as an invaluable tool for advancing our comprehension of RNA structure and function. Here, we showcase their application in elucidating the dynamics of RNA elements in virology, such as the pseudoknot governing ribosomal frameshifting in SARS-CoV-2.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Colvin MK, Reesman J, T Glen (2024)

Altered Trajectories: Considering the Long-Term Impact of Educational Disruption during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Neurodevelopment and a Call to Action for Neuropsychology.

Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 39(3):305-312.

OBJECTIVE: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in educational disruption of historic breadth and duration. The impact of school closures and remote learning have been evaluated in recent studies and reflect critical data for neuropsychologists who routinely assess brain development as it relates to diagnosis, recommendations, and informing public policy.

METHOD: Pre-pandemic and contemporaneous literature was summarized, including data on educational disruption and child and adolescent mental health challenges reported during the pandemic, and research on the impact of stress, social isolation, educational achievement, and other factors on brain development during critical developmental windows.

RESULTS: Studies indicate that prolonged educational disruption has resulted in attenuated learning gains, most remarkably for those already at risk for educational disparities. Studies have shown increased mental health challenges for youth during the pandemic, with higher rates of mood and eating disorders, and suicidal ideation. Given that some skills develop optimally within specific time periods, pandemic-related disruption has likely contributed to altered developmental trajectories.

CONCLUSION: Trajectory of neuropsychological development of children and adolescents, especially marginalized students, may be affected by effects on learning and mental health due to prolonged educational disruption and psychological stressors. Evaluation and treatment may be delayed due to backlog and increased demand. Clinical neuropsychological practice recommendations are presented with a call to action for the field in moving forward flexibly to increase access to evaluation services.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Garmoe W, Rao K, Gorter B, et al (2024)

Neurocognitive Impairment in Post-COVID-19 Condition in Adults: Narrative Review of the Current Literature.

Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 39(3):276-289.

The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus has, up to the time of this article, resulted in >770 million cases of COVID-19 illness worldwide, and approximately 7 million deaths, including >1.1 million in the United States. Although defined as a respiratory virus, early in the pandemic, it became apparent that considerable numbers of people recovering from COVID-19 illness experienced persistence or new onset of multi-system health problems, including neurologic and cognitive and behavioral health concerns. Persistent multi-system health problems are defined as Post-COVID-19 Condition (PCC), Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19, or Long COVID. A significant number of those with PCC report cognitive problems. This paper reviews the current state of scientific knowledge on persisting cognitive symptoms in adults following COVID-19 illness. A brief history is provided of the emergence of concerns about persisting cognitive problems following COVID-19 illness and the definition of PCC. Methodologic factors that complicate clear understanding of PCC are reviewed. The review then examines research on patterns of cognitive impairment that have been found, factors that may contribute to increased risk, behavioral health variables, and interventions being used to ameliorate persisting symptoms. Finally, recommendations are made about ways neuropsychologists can improve the quality of existing research.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Howard LM, CG Grijalva (2024)

Impact of respiratory viral infections on nasopharyngeal pneumococcal colonization dynamics in children.

Current opinion in infectious diseases, 37(3):170-175.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Prevention of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) in children is a global health priority, as these remain a leading cause of pediatric morbidity and mortality throughout the world. As new products and strategies to prevent respiratory infections caused by important pathogens such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), influenza, respiratory syncytial virus and pneumococcus are advancing, increasing evidence suggests that these and other respiratory viruses and pneumococci may exhibit interactions that are associated with altered colonization and disease dynamics. We aim to review recent data evaluating interactions between respiratory viruses and pneumococci in the upper respiratory tract and their potential impact on pneumococcal colonization patterns and disease outcomes.

RECENT FINDINGS: While interactions between influenza infection and subsequent increased susceptibility and transmissibility of colonizing pneumococci have been widely reported in the literature, emerging evidence suggests that human rhinovirus, SARS-CoV-2, and other viruses may also exhibit interactions with pneumococci and alter pneumococcal colonization patterns. Additionally, colonizing pneumococci may play a role in modifying outcomes associated with respiratory viral infections. Recent evidence suggests that vaccination with pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, and prevention of colonization with pneumococcal serotypes included in these vaccines, may be associated with reducing the risk of subsequent viral infection and the severity of the associated illnesses.

SUMMARY: Understanding the direction and dynamics of viral-pneumococcal interactions may elucidate the potential effects of existing and emerging viral and bacterial vaccines and other preventive strategies on the health impact of these important respiratory pathogens.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Abrams J, B Mahoney (2024)

The importance of simulation-based multi professional training in obstetric anesthesia: an update.

Current opinion in anaesthesiology, 37(3):239-244.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Simulation-based training remains an integral component of medical education by providing a well tolerated, controlled, and replicable environment for healthcare professionals to enhance their skills and improve patient outcomes. Simulation technology applied to obstetric anesthesiology continues to evolve as a valuable tool for the training and assessment of the multidisciplinary obstetric care team.

RECENT FINDINGS: Simulation-based technology has continued to play a role in training and assessment, including recent work on interdisciplinary communication, recognition, and management of obstetric hemorrhage, and support in the low or strained resource setting. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the evolution of simulation-based training away from a reliance on in-situ or high-fidelity manikin-based approaches toward an increasing utilization of modalities that allow for remote or asynchronous training.

SUMMARY: The evolution of simulation for interdisciplinary training and assessment in obstetric anesthesia has accelerated, playing a greater role in aspects of communication, management of hemorrhage and supporting low or strained resource settings. Augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality have advanced dramatically, spurred on by the need for remote and asynchronous simulation-based training during the pandemic.

RevDate: 2024-04-24
CmpDate: 2024-04-24

Joshi G, Das A, Verma G, et al (2024)

Viral infection and host immune response in diabetes.

IUBMB life, 76(5):242-266.

Diabetes, a chronic metabolic disorder disrupting blood sugar regulation, has emerged as a prominent silent pandemic. Uncontrolled diabetes predisposes an individual to develop fatal complications like cardiovascular disorders, kidney damage, and neuropathies and aggravates the severity of treatable infections. Escalating cases of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes correlate with a global upswing in diabetes-linked mortality. As a growing global concern with limited preventive interventions, diabetes necessitates extensive research to mitigate its healthcare burden and assist ailing patients. An altered immune system exacerbated by chronic hyperinflammation heightens the susceptibility of diabetic individuals to microbial infections, including notable viruses like SARS-CoV-2, dengue, and influenza. Given such a scenario, we scrutinized the literature and compiled molecular pathways and signaling cascades related to immune compartments in diabetics that escalate the severity associated with the above-mentioned viral infections in them as compared to healthy individuals. The pathogenesis of these viral infections that trigger diabetes compromises both innate and adaptive immune functions and pre-existing diabetes also leads to heightened disease severity. Lastly, this review succinctly outlines available treatments for diabetics, which may hold promise as preventive or supportive measures to effectively combat these viral infections in the former.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Ramamurthy D, Nundalall T, Cingo S, et al (2021)

Recent advances in immunotherapies against infectious diseases.

Immunotherapy advances, 1(1):ltaa007.

Immunotherapies are disease management strategies that target or manipulate components of the immune system. Infectious diseases pose a significant threat to human health as evidenced by countries continuing to grapple with several emerging and re-emerging diseases, the most recent global health threat being the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. As such, various immunotherapeutic approaches are increasingly being investigated as alternative therapies for infectious diseases, resulting in significant advances towards the uncovering of pathogen-host immunity interactions. Novel and innovative therapeutic strategies are necessary to overcome the challenges typically faced by existing infectious disease prevention and control methods such as lack of adequate efficacy, drug toxicity, and the emergence of drug resistance. As evidenced by recent developments and success of pharmaceuticals such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), immunotherapies already show abundant promise to overcome such limitations while also advancing the frontiers of medicine. In this review, we summarize some of the most notable inroads made to combat infectious disease, over mainly the last 5 years, through the use of immunotherapies such as vaccines, mAb-based therapies, T-cell-based therapies, manipulation of cytokine levels, and checkpoint inhibition. While its most general applications are founded in cancer treatment, advances made towards the curative treatment of human immunodeficiency virus, tuberculosis, malaria, zika virus and, most recently COVID-19, reinforce the role of immunotherapeutic strategies in the broader field of disease control. Ultimately, the comprehensive specificity, safety, and cost of immunotherapeutics will impact its widespread implementation.

RevDate: 2024-04-23
CmpDate: 2024-04-18

Ntwali F, Gilliaux Q, PM Honoré (2024)

Nivolumab-Induced Cytokine Release Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review.

The American journal of case reports, 25:e941835.

BACKGROUND CRS (cytokine release syndrome) is a massive activation of the inflammatory system characterized by a supra-physiological rate of inflammatory cytokines. The interleukin 6 cytokine plays a central role in CRS. The main clinical sign of CRS is fever, but CRS can lead to multiple organ failure in severe cases. CRS is usually described in sepsis, more recently in SARS COV-2 infection, and in chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy. However, it can also be associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), which is infrequently described. ICI have growing indications and can lead to CRS by causing an uncontrolled activation of the immune system. There are currently no treatment guidelines for ICI-induced CRS. CASE REPORT We report a rare case of grade 3 CRS induced by nivolumab associated with 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin for gastric cancer. The patient was 65-year-old man with an adenocarcinoma of the cardia. CRS developed during the tenth course of treatment and was characterized by fever, hypotension requiring vasopressors, hypoxemia, acute kidney injury, and thrombopenia. The patient was transferred quickly to the Intensive Care Unit. He was treated for suspected sepsis, but it was ruled out after multiple laboratory examinations. There was rapid resolution after infusion of hydrocortisone. CONCLUSIONS The use of ICIs is expanding. Nivolumab-induced CRS is rarely described but can be severe and lead to multiple organ dysfunction; therefore, intensive care practitioners should be informed about this adverse effect. More studies are needed to better understand this condition and establish treatment guidelines.

RevDate: 2024-04-16

Zaeri N (2024)

Artificial intelligence and machine learning responses to COVID-19 related inquiries.

Journal of medical engineering & technology [Epub ahead of print].

Researchers and scientists can use computational-based models to turn linked data into useful information, aiding in disease diagnosis, examination, and viral containment due to recent artificial intelligence and machine learning breakthroughs. In this paper, we extensively study the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in delivering efficient responses to the COVID-19 pandemic almost four years after its start. In this regard, we examine a large number of critical studies conducted by various academic and research communities from multiple disciplines, as well as practical implementations of artificial intelligence algorithms that suggest potential solutions in investigating different COVID-19 decision-making scenarios. We identify numerous areas where artificial intelligence and machine learning can impact this context, including diagnosis (using chest X-ray imaging and CT imaging), severity, tracking, treatment, and the drug industry. Furthermore, we analyse the dilemma's limits, restrictions, and hazards.

RevDate: 2024-04-16

Liu X, Wu Y, Huo Z, et al (2024)

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among People Living with HIV: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

AIDS and behavior [Epub ahead of print].

Vaccine hesitancy is one of the top 10 threats to global health, which affects the prevalence and fatality of vaccine-preventable diseases over the world. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people living with HIV (PLWH) may have higher risks of infection, more serious complications, and worse prognosis without the protection of the COVID-19 vaccine. A systematic review and meta-analysis aiming to evaluate the prevalence of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among PLWH was conducted using PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science databases for studies published between January 1, 2020, and August 31, 2022. The pooled prevalence with a corresponding 95%CI of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among PLWH was reported. Subgroup analysis was conducted to explore variation in prevalence across different categories. 23 studies with a total of 19,922 PLWH were included in this study. The prevalence of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among PLWH was 34.0%, and the influencing factors included male, influenza vaccination experience, and a CD4 count of more than 200 cells/mm[3]. Subgroup analysis did not identify significant causes of heterogeneity but showed that the prevalence of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among PLWH varies by study period, region, and race. Although all PLWH are recommended to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, a large proportion of them remain hesitant to be vaccinated. Therefore, governments and relevant institutions should take specific measures to encourage and promote vaccination to improve the coverage of the COVID-19 vaccine among PLWH.

RevDate: 2024-04-23
CmpDate: 2024-04-08

O'Connor S (2024)

Over twenty years of pedagogical research from Nurse Education in Practice: A bibliometric analysis from 2001 to 2023.

Nurse education in practice, 76:103912.

AIM: To present a bibliometric overview of pedagogical research from Nurse Education in Practice from its inception in 2001 up until 2023.

BACKGROUND: Bibliometric methods are useful in analysing and understanding the characteristics of scientific publications in a particular field and the influence of specific journals. However, no bibliometric analysis of a nurse education journal has been undertaken to date which would highlight important research trends in this area of nursing and midwifery.

METHODS: A total of 2231 publications (articles and reviews only) from Nursing Education in Practice were retrieved from the Scopus database between 2001 and 2023. Several software applications including Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer were used to undertake bibliometric analysis on this dataset. Publication trends such as country analysis, author analysis, keywords analyses (cluster, content and trend analysis) were generated to help understand the volume and scope of pedagogical nursing and midwifery research in this journal.

RESULTS: There has been a steady increase in pedagogical research from Nurse Education in Practice since its launch in 2001 up until 2018, with a dip in publications in 2022 most likely due to the impact of restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic. The most prolific institutions publishing in the journal are mainly from the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States, with over eighty countries represented demonstrating its global reach and impact. Nursing students, nursing education, simulation and learning are some of the most frequent author keywords.

CONCLUSION: The diversity of pedagogies in nursing and midwifery education, clinical learning and supervision in practice environments, and competence and confidence when transitioning to practice are the most popular research areas in Nurse Education in Practice. This study informs nurse and midwife educators and scholars about the volume and scope of pedagogical research in nursing and midwifery. It also makes recommendations on how to improve aspects of scholarship in education and areas for future pedagogical research.

RevDate: 2024-04-23
CmpDate: 2024-04-23

Delbrück H, Lambertz E, Migliorini F, et al (2024)

Influence of COVID-19 pandemic on hospitalisations at a paediatric traumatology department during 2020: a single-centre observational study and comprehensive literature review.

European journal of trauma and emergency surgery : official publication of the European Trauma Society, 50(2):591-601.

PURPOSE: The study investigates changes in the injury characteristics of hospitalised children in a paediatric trauma centre during the COVID-19 pandemic.

METHODS: Data from injured children from the pre-pandemic year 2019 were compared to the pandemic year 2020 using Pearson's chi-squared test and the Mann-Whitney U test. The period of highly restrictive regulations (HRP) was evaluated separately. A comprehensive literature review with defined search terms resulted in a descriptive data synthesis.

RESULTS: Data from 865 patients indicated reductions in admissions of 5.6% and 54.4% during the HRP. In 2020, the hospitalisation time was longer (2.2 ± 2.7 days in 2019 vs. 2.4 ± 2.6 in 2020, p = 0.045); the proportions of wounds requiring surgical therapy (p = 0.008) and of observational treatments, primarily for mild brain injuries (p = 0.046), were higher; and conservative treatments, primarily for contusions, were lower (p = 0.005). There were no significant changes in age, location of lesions, or frequency of surgical therapy; nor were there differences in the HRP, except for fewer injuries in school and kindergarten (p < 0.001). The literature review summarises the main results of 79 studies.

CONCLUSION: Limited resources did not alter the indications for surgical therapy. Further studies should examine whether the more common injuries sustained at home were caused by excessive work/childcare demands on parents. Reduced inpatient conservative treatment implies that hospital resources possibly were overused previously. The literature offers answers to many detailed questions regarding childhood injuries during a pandemic and more efficient safe treatment. Registration Ethical committee of RWTH Aachen University EK 22-320; Center for Translational & Clinical Research RWTH Aachen University (CTC-A) 21-430.

RevDate: 2024-04-23
CmpDate: 2024-04-23

Lee A, Kim S, W Noh (2024)

Learning Environments in Undergraduate Nursing Education During COVID-19: A Scoping Review.

Nurse educator, 49(3):E136-E141.

BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic radically changed nursing education.

PURPOSE: To map the existing literature on learning environments (LEs) in undergraduate nursing education during COVID-19 and identify the LE elements based on the 4 domains of Gruppen's conceptual framework: personal, social, organizational, and physical and virtual spaces.

METHOD: Eligible articles were reviewed using the Joanna Briggs framework.

RESULTS: The search retrieved 5003 articles, of which 80 met the inclusion criteria. Most studies were cross-sectional and conducted in the United States. Of the studies included, 68 studies focused on the personal component of students, 67 investigated physical and virtual space components, 19 examined the social domain, and 15 examined organizational aspects.

CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic significantly influenced the LE of nursing students. Based on the current review of LE in nursing education, nurse educators and researchers can develop interventions to maintain the quality and accessibility of nursing education in future crises.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Bartholomew DC, Nwaigwe CC, Orumie UC, et al (2023)

Intervention Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination in Nigeria: The Naive Solution Versus Interrupted Time Series.

Annals of data science [Epub ahead of print].

In this paper, an intervention analysis approach was applied to daily cases of COVID-19 in Nigeria in order to evaluate the utilization and effect of the COVID-19 vaccine administered in the country. Data on the daily report of COVID-19 cases in Nigeria were collected and subjected to two models: the naïve solution and the interrupted time series (the intervention model). Based on the Alkaike Information Criterion (AIC), sigma[2], and log likelihood values, the interrupted time series model outperformed the Naïve solution model. ARIMA (4, 1, 4) with exogenous variables was identified as the best model. It was observed that the intervention (vaccination) was not significant at the 5% level of significance in reducing the number of daily COVID-19 cases in Nigeria since the start of the vaccination on March 5, 2021, until March 28, 2022. Also, the ARIMA (4, 1, 4) forecasts indicated that there will be surge in the number of daily COVID-19 cases in Nigeria between January and April 2023. As a result, we recommend strict adherence to COVID-19 protocols as well as further vaccination and sensitization programs to educate people on the importance of vaccine uptake and avoid Corona virus spread in the year 2023 and beyond.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Gorjian H, NG Khaligh (2023)

Myrtle: a versatile medicinal plant.

Nutrire : revista de Sociedade Brasileira de Alimentacao e Nutricao = journal of the Brazilian Society of Food and Nutrition, 48(1):10.

UNLABELLED: Myrtus, commonly called myrtle, is a genus of flowering plants in the Myrtaceae family. This study aimed to review myrtle's pharmaceutical, food, and other uses. The pharmacological effects of myrtle for antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory activities, reduction of COVID-19 symptoms, anti-diabetic in the animal model, hepatoprotective in the rat model, antihypertensive, control of intestinal helminthiasis in mice model, inhibition of glucosyltransferase activity, protective effect on oxidative metabolism in the hypothyroidism model, and reducing the damage caused by skin burns are reviewed. In addition, the food uses of this plant such as improving the oxidative and microbial stability of products containing salmon, antimicrobial activity in meat and dairy products, flavoring in sea salt, microbial improvement of fresh fruits during post-harvest storage, animal nutrition, and bio-oil production are summarized.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s41110-023-00194-y.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Rehman M, Yanen W, Mushtaq RT, et al (2022)

Additive manufacturing for biomedical applications: a review on classification, energy consumption, and its appreciable role since COVID-19 pandemic.

Progress in additive manufacturing [Epub ahead of print].

The exponential rise of healthcare problems like human aging and road traffic accidents have developed an intrinsic challenge to biomedical sectors concerning the arrangement of patient-specific biomedical products. The additively manufactured implants and scaffolds have captured global attention over the last two decades concerning their printing quality and ease of manufacturing. However, the inherent challenges associated with additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, namely process selection, level of complexity, printing speed, resolution, biomaterial choice, and consumed energy, still pose several limitations on their use. Recently, the whole world has faced severe supply chain disruptions of personal protective equipment and basic medical facilities due to a respiratory disease known as the coronavirus (COVID-19). In this regard, local and global AM manufacturers have printed biomedical products to level the supply-demand equation. The potential of AM technologies for biomedical applications before, during, and post-COVID-19 pandemic alongwith its relation to the industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept is discussed herein. Moreover, additive manufacturing technologies are studied in this work concerning their working principle, classification, materials, processing variables, output responses, merits, challenges, and biomedical applications. Different factors affecting the sustainable performance in AM for biomedical applications are discussed with more focus on the comparative examination of consumed energy to determine which process is more sustainable. The recent advancements in the field like 4D printing and 5D printing are useful for the successful implementation of I4.0 to combat any future pandemic scenario. The potential of hybrid printing, multi-materials printing, and printing with smart materials, has been identified as hot research areas to produce scaffolds and implants in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and orthopedic implants.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Hua J, Li J, Jiang Y, et al (2022)

Skin-Attachable Sensors for Biomedical Applications.

Biomedical materials & devices (New York, N.Y.) [Epub ahead of print].

With the growing concern about human health issues, especially during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for personalized healthcare regarding disease prevention and recovery is increasing. However, tremendous challenges lie in both limited public medical resources and costly medical diagnosis approaches. Recently, skin-attachable sensors have emerged as promising health monitoring platforms to overcome such difficulties. Owing to the advantages of good comfort and high signal-to-noise ratio, skin-attachable sensors enable household, real-time, and long-term detection of weak physiological signals to efficiently and accurately monitor human motion, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, lung and heart sound, glucose, and biomarkers in biomedical applications. To further improve the integration level of biomedical skin-attachable sensors, efforts have been made in combining multiple sensing techniques with elaborate structural designs. This review summarizes the recent advances in different functional skin-attachable sensors, which monitor physical and chemical indicators of the human body. The advantages, shortcomings, and integration strategies of different mechanisms are presented. Specially, we highlight sensors monitoring pulmonary function such as respiratory rate and blood oxygen saturation for their potential usage in the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the future development of skin-attachable sensors is envisioned.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Mathis A, R Rooks (2022)

Geographic Differences in Vaccine Hesitancy Among Older Adults.

The Public policy and aging report.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Sheth A, Sushra T, Kshirsagar A, et al (2022)

Global Economic Impact in Stock and Commodity Markets during Covid-19 pandemic.

Annals of data science, 9(5):889-907.

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus led everyone globally to face various setbacks. Such a sector that oversaw several shocks worldwide was the financial sector, namely the stock and the commodity markets. Both the markets had different and unprecedented reactions in the different corners of the world. This was due to several reasons like government intervention, welfare policies, investor behaviour etc. This paper discusses that topic in further detail, with examples and studies from all around the planet. The main objective is to expand the pre-existing knowledge on how different regions had different reactions to the pandemic and the policies that it brought along. The stock market, in general, faced an adverse shock that led to low investments and careful foreign investment. The commodity market saw the prices of all commodities on an upward trend except for gold which observed a downward trend. Moreover, this paper also discusses the future scope and the challenges that might be faced by the markets further down the line.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Turay B (2022)

Flood hazard management in a multiple hazard context: a systematic review of flood hazard management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa.

Discover water, 2(1):6.

Result-oriented research can uncover hidden flood management obstacles and propose solutions that, if combined with political will, appropriate technology, and resources, can overcome the majority of Africa's future flood calamities. In view of this, it is critical to examine researchers' findings on flood hazard management, particularly now that the continent is struggling with COVID-19 and other hazards. This study employed a systematic review approach to critically analyze 103 contextually detailed studies with a set of criteria that were not only meant to keep the focus on floods and the COVID-19 pandemic but also to understand the context of managing floods during COVID-19 and other hazards at the same time on the continent. I found that the authors strongly recommend how institutions should create non-structural enabling environments for managing combined hazards. Also, researchers paid little attention to recommending ecosystem-based measures for flood management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa. Future research should study how different countries in Africa are preparing to manage multiple future hazards, including the comparative assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of individual countries' planning and preparation.

RevDate: 2024-04-18

Metz JK, Hittinger M, CM Lehr (2022)

In vitro tools for orally inhaled drug products-state of the art for their application in pharmaceutical research and industry and regulatory challenges.

In vitro models, 1(1):29-40.

The drug development process is a lengthy and expensive challenge for all involved players. Experience with the COVID-19 pandemic underlines the need for a rapid and effective approval for treatment options. As essential prerequisites for successful drug approval, a combination of high-quality studies and reliable research must be included. To this day, mainly in vivo data are requested and collected for assessing safety and efficacy and are therefore decisive for the pre-clinical evaluation of the respective drug. This review aims to summarize the current state of the art for safety and efficacy studies in pharmaceutical research and industry to address the relevant regulatory challenges and to provide an outlook on implementing more in vitro methods as alternative to animal testing. While the public demand for alternative methods is becoming louder, first examples have meanwhile found acceptance in relevant guidelines, e.g. the OECD guidelines for skin sensitizer. Besides ethically driven developments, also the rather low throughput and relatively high costs of animal experiments are forcing the industry towards the implementation of alternative methods. In this context, the development of orally inhaled drug products is particularly challenging due to the complexity of the lung as biological barrier and route of administration. The replacement of animal experiments with focus on the lungs requires special designed tools to achieve predictive data. New in vitro test systems of increasing complexity are presented in this review. Limits and advantages are discussed to provide some perspective for a future in vitro testing strategy for orally inhaled drug products.


ESP Quick Facts

ESP Origins

In the early 1990's, Robert Robbins was a faculty member at Johns Hopkins, where he directed the informatics core of GDB — the human gene-mapping database of the international human genome project. To share papers with colleagues around the world, he set up a small paper-sharing section on his personal web page. This small project evolved into The Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project.

ESP Support

In 1995, Robbins became the VP/IT of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA. Soon after arriving in Seattle, Robbins secured funding, through the ELSI component of the US Human Genome Project, to create the original ESP.ORG web site, with the formal goal of providing free, world-wide access to the literature of classical genetics.

ESP Rationale

Although the methods of molecular biology can seem almost magical to the uninitiated, the original techniques of classical genetics are readily appreciated by one and all: cross individuals that differ in some inherited trait, collect all of the progeny, score their attributes, and propose mechanisms to explain the patterns of inheritance observed.

ESP Goal

In reading the early works of classical genetics, one is drawn, almost inexorably, into ever more complex models, until molecular explanations begin to seem both necessary and natural. At that point, the tools for understanding genome research are at hand. Assisting readers reach this point was the original goal of The Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project.

ESP Usage

Usage of the site grew rapidly and has remained high. Faculty began to use the site for their assigned readings. Other on-line publishers, ranging from The New York Times to Nature referenced ESP materials in their own publications. Nobel laureates (e.g., Joshua Lederberg) regularly used the site and even wrote to suggest changes and improvements.

ESP Content

When the site began, no journals were making their early content available in digital format. As a result, ESP was obliged to digitize classic literature before it could be made available. For many important papers — such as Mendel's original paper or the first genetic map — ESP had to produce entirely new typeset versions of the works, if they were to be available in a high-quality format.

ESP Help

Early support from the DOE component of the Human Genome Project was critically important for getting the ESP project on a firm foundation. Since that funding ended (nearly 20 years ago), the project has been operated as a purely volunteer effort. Anyone wishing to assist in these efforts should send an email to Robbins.

ESP Plans

With the development of methods for adding typeset side notes to PDF files, the ESP project now plans to add annotated versions of some classical papers to its holdings. We also plan to add new reference and pedagogical material. We have already started providing regularly updated, comprehensive bibliographies to the ESP.ORG site.


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With the world now in the middle of a new and rapidly spreading pandemic, now is the time to read this book, originally published in 2012, that describes animal infections and the next human pandemic (that's actually the book's subtitle). You would be hard pressed to find a more relevant explanation of how this got started and why there will be more after this one. R. Robbins

Electronic Scholarly Publishing
961 Red Tail Lane
Bellingham, WA 98226

E-mail: RJR8222 @

Papers in Classical Genetics

The ESP began as an effort to share a handful of key papers from the early days of classical genetics. Now the collection has grown to include hundreds of papers, in full-text format.

Digital Books

Along with papers on classical genetics, ESP offers a collection of full-text digital books, including many works by Darwin and even a collection of poetry — Chicago Poems by Carl Sandburg.


ESP now offers a large collection of user-selected side-by-side timelines (e.g., all science vs. all other categories, or arts and culture vs. world history), designed to provide a comparative context for appreciating world events.


Biographical information about many key scientists (e.g., Walter Sutton).

Selected Bibliographies

Bibliographies on several topics of potential interest to the ESP community are automatically maintained and generated on the ESP site.

ESP Picks from Around the Web (updated 07 JUL 2018 )